Action(s) towards meeting needs and desires of individual.
Facts and verified information
Objective statements
Relevant Information
Title of the Event Note
Suppose there is an emergency or crisis after hours, on the weekend, or during a vacation. In that case, other people not as familiar with the case will review the notes and look for relevant and pertinent information to help the individual. Therefore, the note’s Title should clearly indicate what is being documented within the note.
A poorly titled note can result in valuable information being overlooked or take up time during an emergency.
Acronyms and abbreviations are acceptable as long as they are defined before they are used in each note.
Ronnie says, “Remember, these event notes are a legal document, subject to open records. Here are a handful of tips to assist you in writing a good event note.”
Clear, purposeful, and links to the plan of meeting the individual’s needs and desires.
Free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Must be factual and observable.
Only includes commonly used acronyms or abbreviations.
Makes sense to any neutral party.
Assumes that the reader is not familiar with the case.
Covers a specific event and does not summarize long periods of time.
Events are able to be edited in KYGFIS by the author for up to 24 hours.