Toolkit Navigation and Terminology

Illustration of Aida the trainer.

Within KYGFIS there are several navigation items and terms that will be used frequently as you maneuver through the system. Utilizing your Help Manual, let’s practice in the Sandbox.

For technical issues with KYGFIS, contact Jessica Wayne at

Let’s Give it a Try!

1.) Open and log into the Sandbox using the button below. Check the URL to ensure that you are accessing the Sandbox.

NOTE: It is very important to ensure that you are using the sandbox and not the live KYGFIS system.

2.) Search for an individual under guardianship by Last Name, First Name (e.g., Doe, Jane). Use a name provided to you by your supervisor.

In the Sandbox, take a look at the following items.

This is the information on the left side of your screen. Depending on your level of access, the items you see will vary.

Session State

This is the information stored in the memory of the application during the session.


Information will be displayed as a table with multiple rows and columns under some records.

Column Header

In a table the top row of any column contains the header, which displays the name of the field in the column.

Ordered Column

Tables are displayed in a default order. An ordered column has the option to change the order display, just click the arrow on either side of the Column Header.

Allows you to type details and information to search a Column.

Filter Column

Allows you to search a Column for all records that contain the letters typed.


A drop down box that provides various ways to view information in a table.


Each session is limited to a 30-minute inactivity period. At the top left of the browser you can see how long your session has been inactive. If your session times out, you will need to log back in. Information typed will be lost.