Sparking Learning S19

The Effective Trainers and Training section of FET will help you identify and begin to cultivate the skills you need BEYOND SPECIFIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE to become an effective trainer.

Watch the video below from a TED Talk given by a high school chemistry teacher discussing how to spark learning in the classroom and focus on finding elements in this talk that relate to what you might do as a trainer to spark adult learning.

Complete the Sparking Learning ?Handout (page 3) as you watch the video and then take the Think Spot before proceeding.

Post three questions you have RIGHT NOW about becoming an effective trainer. Your Training Coach and other FET participants will be able to read and respond.

Note: You may want to write your specific questions down as you will be referring to those later in the Touch Point: Revisiting Your Three Questions.


1) Does having the participants introduce themselves and share a bit about their position really set the stage for a more relaxed atmosphere or does it just annoy most?

2) How do you know what type of group you’ll be addressing to determine what techniques to focus on?

3) What is the best way to get over fear of public speaking? Not even kidding!

Catherine Hotkewicz August 25, 2019 at 4:37 am

1. How do you “spark curiosity” in an adult learner who has worked all day and is now sitting in a 3 hour workshop she doesn’t want to attend but HAS to if she wants to continue working?

2. How do you handle a workshop participant who talks to her neighbor throughout the entire workshop instead of participating in the workshop?

1. How will I get the teachers curious enough to ask questions?
2. How do I get teachers to reflect on what they are teaching?
3. What methods will I use to help teachers answer their own questions?

1. How do I engage learners that are attending a training that they’ve already had and are attending for renewal purposes?
2. How can I make sure the training is assessable for ALL learners all the way through the training?
3. How can I make sure the participants feel supported and empowered during and after the training?

How do you cultivate an atmosphere of curiosity and inquisitiveness so that participants are comfortable asking questions? Do you allow people to sit with their peer/co-worker groups or do you encourage mingling and getting to know others to break the ice? What are some ways to encourage participation for those who are not comfortable speaking/sharing in large groups?

Rebecca Crawford (Group Leader) August 27, 2019 at 5:40 pm

1. How can I make my presentation engaging for learners who HAVE to attend?
2. How do I connect with my learners in a short amount of time?
3. How do I know if I am being effective as a trainer?

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