Let’s look at Ben’s Life Trajectory Worksheet. It shows what he and his family envision for his good life and what they don’t want, and it shows his past life experiences that either moved him toward his good life vision or tried to push him the other way.
Some things Ben envisions for a good life include:
Some things Ben does not want include:
Now that we know what Ben’s life trajectory is, let’s look at his Integrated Services and Supports Star.
Ben’s Integrated Services and Supports Star is used in this example as a mapping tool to illustrate the different and varied sources of support he has in all the categories.
The first time his family filled out the Star, it helped show that he didn’t have much technology in his life, so they were able to take steps to improve that area of his life.
It also helps them when there is a need or an issue to look at ALL different kinds of support and how they can all work together in Ben’s good life.
Personal Strengths and Assets:
Eligibility Specific:
Ben’s Integrated Services and Supports Star is used in this example as a mapping tool to illustrate the different and varied sources of support he has in all the categories.
The first time his family filled out the Star, it helped show that he didn’t have much technology in his life, so they were able to take steps to improve that area of his life.
It also helps them when there is a need or an issue to look at ALL different kinds of support and how they can all work together in Ben’s good life.