When families are seen as experts on their child, they are able to share unique information and viewpoints of the child.
Information that families are experts on include:
As team members families are able to work with early childhood professionals in the assessment planning, gather information on their child, share at home observation notes, and more.
Most families want to learn more about their children and their development. Provide opportunities to share information with families and help them learn about the assessment, the process, and ways that they can support children’s learning and goals.
Families will often serve as the loudest and best advocate for their child to help their children get the services needed.
Watch this video
What this video and think – how could you support the family as an expert, team member, learner, and advocate for the child. Record your responses in your handout.
Video must be watched entirely in order to progress through the course. You do not need to watch any recommended videos at the end.