Your next step is to identify all of the Core Content competencies related to the Workplace Outcome you have written and then select the most relevant competency at Level I, the targeted level for this training session. By reading all of the competencies related to the “space and furnishings and activities and materials” section you are able to see all of the knowledge and skills that are possible for the training session.
But you realize that all related competencies cannot be covered nor should be covered if there is to be adequate time for practice activities to ensure implementation in the workplace.
…pages 57-63, Activities and Materials, have a lot of competencies to choose from; all of them are about supporting children’s use of materials, not about where materials belong.
…pages 51-52, Space and Furnishings, have three Level I competencies; one dealing with where materials belong, one dealing with maintaining materials, and one dealing with use of materials.
Which competency below would you select as the most relevant to the identified Workplace Outcome? (Make a mental notation)
Assist in arranging furnishings and materials to allow and encourage appropriate independence.
Note: You will not address the entire competency, i.e. you will not address “furnishings” Many competencies are too broad to cover in a single training session.
Assist in arranging materials to allow and encourage appropriate independence for 3-5 year olds in a preschool classroom or home child care setting