As you may recall, KIDS Now was an initiative that started in 2001. The Trainers Credential was created as a result of this initiative.
The vision for Kentucky was initially a 20-year plan. We have certainly come a long way, however, there is still room for improvement. Let’s consider how training enters this picture for Kentucky’s young children.
If a trainer is effective then the participants of the training will transfer their learning into the classroom which will directly benefit the children of Kentucky. So, as you can see you have a very important role in this vision! All young children in Kentucky should be healthy and safe, possess the foundation that will enable school and personal success, and live in strong families that are supported and strengthened within their communities.
Research shows that the two primary variables affecting the quality of early care and education are the training of the staff and child staff ratios.
The caregivers must be trained to interact with children in ways that promote positive, effective relationships. As staff become better educated through specialized, high quality training, there are improvements in their sensitivity and responsiveness to children, an increase in the frequency of positive, effective relationships between children and caregivers and increases in positive child outcomes.
Credentialed trainers in the field can offer this type of training. This is where you will come in!
High Quality Training for Staff
Lower Child : Staff Ratios