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DDID Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training
Why Who You Are and What You Bring to your Work is So Important:
People in the Supports for Community Living (SCL) waiver count on you every day to ensure their health, safety and welfare.
Investing in you to build your confidence and competence to deal with people who may not be having their best day is at the heart of this training.
Understanding how your background, experiences and how your life is currently “going” will impact your responsiveness to difficult situations.
Identify how to support people to have good lives to minimize crisis.
Examine how to build empathy with the people you support.
Identify proactive strategies to minimize crisis from occurring.
Identify the role trauma may have played in people’s lives.
Examine the six action phases of a crisis.
Identify how to utilize Person Centered Thinking Tools in the various phases.
Examine ideas for building community partnerships and collaborations including the Crisis Response Services at your Community Mental Health Center.