Flexible and Engaging S20

The main reason many learners choose online courses are because they are flexible in regards to time and place.  As you design your course, you need to decide how learners can access it.  Are your courses accessible on handheld devices or would you recommend using a computer? What internet speed and browser works best with the course?  These are good things to know as you are setting up the course and great information to include in your introduction/orientation. 

When engaging learners, they need an opportunity to work with their strengths.  Are you able to give learners choices on projects they complete to give them a sense of control and an ability to use those strengths?

One thing you might need to think about when designing an online class is whether all of the learners are able to access all the materials. Do you have a learner that has a visual impairment, a low literacy level or a hearing impairment?  How are you going to make all of the materials and resources accessible to them?

If you have lots of content to share with learners, text on the page might be the best way to get all of that information in, but will it truly engage them?  Depending upon your technological skills, there are a variety of ways you add other content and still help students learn.


On page 19 of your handout, list 3 ways you are going to design your training so that participants enjoy engaging with the content.