
.ugb-9598ba9-wrapper.ugb-container__wrapper{background-color:#3bceac !important}.ugb-9598ba9-wrapper.ugb-container__wrapper:before{background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#3bceac 0%,#b2197f 100%) !important}.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h1,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h2,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h3,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h4,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h5,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > h6{color:#222222}.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > p,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > ol li,.ugb-9598ba9-content-wrapper > ul li{color:#222222}
.ugb-23e902b > .ugb-inner-block > .ugb-block-content > .ugb-columns__item{grid-template-columns:2.00fr 2.00fr 1.00fr !important}
Illustration of Aida the trainer.

The “View” filter option allows a user to filter the next or previous records based on the filter chosen. If you select to view “Active” and then choose the “Next” button, you will be able to click to view the next active record. Utilizing your Help Manual, let’s practice in the Sandbox.

For technical issues with KYGFIS, contact Jessica Wayne at

.ugb-0e9bc8e .ugb-block-content{justify-content:flex-start !important}.ugb-0e9bc8e .ugb-button1{background-color:var(–stk-global-color-98661,#0033a0)}.ugb-0e9bc8e .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-0e9bc8e .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-0e9bc8e .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}
.ugb-1f041b8 > .ugb-inner-block > .ugb-block-content > .ugb-columns__item{grid-template-columns:0.50fr 1.50fr !important}.ugb-1f041b8-content-wrapper > .ugb-column{align-items:center !important}.ugb-1f041b8-content-wrapper > .ugb-column > .ugb-inner-block{height:auto !important}
.stk-99fd879 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child{height:100px !important;width:100px !important}.stk-99fd879 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child,.stk-99fd879 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child :is(g,path,rect,polygon,ellipse){fill:#b2197f !important}

Let’s Give it a Try!

1.) Open and log into the Sandbox using the button below. Check the URL to ensure that you are accessing the Sandbox.

NOTE: It is very important to ensure that you are using the sandbox and not the live KYGFIS system.

.ugb-6021a67 .ugb-block-content{justify-content:flex-start !important}.ugb-6021a67 .ugb-button1{background-color:#b2197f}.ugb-6021a67 .ugb-button1 .ugb-button–inner,.ugb-6021a67 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}.ugb-6021a67 .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}

2.) In the left navigation menu under Case Management, click “Clients” and select a record from the table.

3.) Near the top of the page, choose an option from the “View” filter drop-down menu. Then click the “Next” button. Change the “View” filter menu option and click the “Previous” button.

4.) Search for an individual under guardianship by Last Name, First Name (e.g., Doe, Jane). Use a name provided to you by your supervisor.

5.) Continue to practice with the different “View” filter menu options.