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.stk-8cc18bb {–entrance-duration:2s !important;}
After the Visit: Document! Document!! Document!!!
.stk-8659d15 {padding-top:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;padding-bottom:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important;}.stk-54ce333 {padding-top:8px !important;padding-right:32px !important;padding-bottom:8px !important;padding-left:32px !important;}Documentation:
.stk-ea260d6 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child, .stk-ea260d6 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child :is(g, path, rect, polygon, ellipse){fill:#000000 !important;}
.stk-c7ca287-container{padding-top:0px !important;padding-bottom:8px !important;}
.stk-25bc1c4 .stk-block-icon-list-item__content{gap:4px !important;align-items:baseline !important;}.stk-25bc1c4 {–stk-icon-list-marker-color:#736a34 !important;–stk-icon-height:24px !important;}
Face to Face Visits are required and are reviewed as a part of the Annual Report, case reviews, as well as during interim/year-end staff evaluations.
Summary of visit/conversation with the individual under guardianship.
Update the Face Sheet and photograph as needed in KYGFIS. It is important to keep photos and physical descriptions up-to-date in case of Elopement/AWOL.
Changes to the individual’s budget/finances should be documented, and notification shall be made to the Fiduciary and Benefits branches by email.
Identified concerns should be noted with a follow-up plan to address them.
Conversations with staff/caregiver/case manager should include the staff person’s name, title, and contact information in case additional follow-up is needed.
.stk-1cb6aad {padding-top:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;padding-bottom:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important;}.stk-c0df056 {padding-top:8px !important;padding-right:32px !important;padding-bottom:8px !important;padding-left:32px !important;}Documentation Examples:
.stk-b37681a .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child, .stk-b37681a .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child :is(g, path, rect, polygon, ellipse){fill:#000000 !important;}
.stk-a466a56-container{padding-top:0px !important;padding-bottom:8px !important;}
.stk-18b0e23 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child, .stk-18b0e23 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child :is(g, path, rect, polygon, ellipse){fill:#a73737 !important;}
Unacceptable Note –
Face to Face visit attempted. Client was asleep. Will try another day.
Claudia Client f2f completed on 1/12
.stk-7332071 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child, .stk-7332071 .stk–svg-wrapper .stk–inner-svg svg:last-child :is(g, path, rect, polygon, ellipse){fill:#085d3e !important;}
Acceptable Note –
GSSW Smith arrived for the required annual face to face visit at Mr. Bob Hale’s home at 12:35pm on April 27th, 2022. Mr. Hale resides with an SCL Family Home Provider, Jane Facility, through Allstar SCL Agency who was also present. Mr. Hale was dressed appropriately in a t-shirt and lounging type pants. His hair was trimmed and had his goatee trimmed. Mr. Hale’s hygiene was good, he seemed in a good mood and was very interactive. His room was clean, and he was excited to show his American Flags on the wall and on his bedspread. GSSW examined the common areas of the house which were clean, the home is older but appears to be in good condition. GSSW also observed the kitchen and refrigerator to ensure the food was not expired and substantial enough to sustain the home for several days. We stayed outside mostly and talked as he attempted to play with the alpacas. Mr. Hale seems to enjoy his placement and is at ease with Jane, his co-residents, and the alpacas. Mr. Hale talked about going on a vacation and wanting to buy a police scanner. GSSW discussed with Mr. Hale details of what type of vacation he would like and the steps needed to achieve his goal. Jane mentioned the adult day training program that Mr. Hale attends will be relocating closer to his residence. Mr. Hale is happy about this. GSSW will update the day site address once the relocation has been completed. There were no issues noted with health, safety, or welfare at this time. GSSW will continue to work with Mr. Hale and his SCL team around his goal of going on vacation.