Component 4: Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance is a collaborative relationship based model of assistance and support that is designed to:

  • Identify, select or design evidence based solutions to address problems, needs or goals
  • Adopt knowledge to practice
  • Effectively implement solutions customized to individual needs

TA can be delivered through several different methods depending on the needs of the TA provider and TA recipient.  Methods can include: face to face visits, video conferencing, phone calls, email, etc.

There are regional organizations that can provide training and technical assistance to early care and education professionals in Kentucky.  These include but are not limited to:

Child Care Aware of Kentucky (CCA)

ChildCare Aware of Kentucky logo

Child Care Aware of Kentucky is committed to ensuring families have access to safe, affordable, quality care. Our goal is to improve child care quality by offering training and technical assistance to child care providers and connecting the community-at-large to resources and educational materials which support quality child care.

There are 4 Coaching types available as a resource:

Health and Safety – help new providers get licensed and certified, provide Technical Assistance to help programs meet regulatory compliance, and provide TA to Level 1 and 2 programs in Kentucky All STARS.

Quality – support licensed and certified programs through Technical Assistance to increase the quality of care provided to children, and assist Level 3, 4, and 5 programs in Kentucky All STARS.

Training – provide Technical Assistance to current and potential trainers, coordinate with trainers to develop high quality training for child care providers, and identify gaps in training.

Professional Development – provide technical assistance on how to apply for scholarships for Early Childhood Credentials and Degrees, provide TA to directors and teachers on how to create professional development plans to support quality child care, and provide technical assistance on the use of ECE-TRIS.

Early Childhood Regional Training Center (RTC)

Regional Training Center logo

The Early Childhood Regional Training Centers provide a range of services for the early childhood community including regional trainings/workshops, on-site consultations, lending library of materials, and annual statewide and regional collaborative institutes.

Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC)

Child Care Health Consultants logo

Kentucky Child Care Health Consultation, for a Healthy Start in Child Care, is part of the KIDS NOW Initiative. The program provides consultation and technical assistance to child care providers on health, safety, and nutrition for children ages 0-5. Trained Child Care Health Consultants from local health departments participate in joint activities with Child Care Aware and the Kentucky All Stars program in their areas to ensure collaboration and coordination on issues impacting the quality of child care.

Early Childhood Mental Health Program (ECMH)

Provides program and child-level consultation on social, emotional and behavioral issues to programs that serve children from birth through age 5. Their regional ECMH specialists provide training on working with young children with social, emotional and behavioral needs and their families, to child-serving agencies and others. They also evaluate, assess, and provide therapeutic services for children from birth to age 5 and their families.

[ms_panel title=”Professional Development Framework” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]Please refer to the PDF pages 18-22. [/ms_panel]