Component 3: Training F19

Child Care licensure requires 15 hours of annual training for Type I and Type II programs, 9 hours for certified providers, and a mandatory 6 hour orientation training* for staff at all types of programs. Training is a structured learning experience to help the participant gain knowledge and skills that result in implementation of higher quality practices. In order for training hours to count for licensure and certification requirements, training must either be facilitated by a Kentucky Early Childhood Credentialed trainer or pre-approved by the Division of Child Care (DCC).

The definition of high quality training being:

  • Delivered by a trainer who has thorough content knowledge and understands the needs of adult learners
  • Based on needs assessment of what potential participants value and need to improve services
  • Matched to the learner’s previous knowledge base and experience
  • Culturally sensitive
  • Focused on achievement-based outcomes or what participants expect to happen as a result of the training
  • Involves the use of evidence-based practice and recommended standards in both content and approach


There are five training levels that describe the knowledge base trainees are assumed to have as well as the content for each level of training. The levels correspond to the trainer levels, EC Core Content and articulation plans. The training levels serve as a tool for the trainer and others who are planning workshops, institutes, and conferences and to training participants when selecting training.

The five training levels that describe the knowledge base trainees are assumed to have as well as the content for each level of training.

*Additional training is required to conduct the 6 hour Orientation for Early Childhood Professionals.  If you are interested in being able to train Orientation please contact your local Training Coach – . To be eligible to take the Train-the-Trainer for Orientation, you must have an active Level 3, 4, or 5 Early Care and Education Trainer’s Credential.

[ms_panel title=”Professional Development Framework” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]Please refer to the PDF pages 12-17.[/ms_panel]