Benefits S19

Let’s think about the benefits for both the trainer and learner when the trainer takes the time to establish outcomes. Take a few moments to get some ideas in your mind as to why it is important and necessary for the trainer to establish outcomes and how you think establishing outcomes support both the learner and the trainer.

Rationale for Establishing Outcomes

[ms_row] [ms_column style=”1/2″ align=”left” class=”” id=””][ms_flip_box direction=”horizontal” front_paddings=”15″ front_background=”#1a72bf” front_color=”#ffffff” back_paddings=”15″ back_background=”#1a72bf” back_color=”#ffffff” class=”” id=””]What are the benefits to the Trainer?

Trainer Guidance|||a. establishes a focus or a direction for the training
b. determines the best route for working through the content


[ms_column style=”1/2″ align=”left” class=”” id=””][ms_flip_box direction=”horizontal” front_paddings=”15″ front_background=”#1a72bf” front_color=”#ffffff” back_paddings=”15″ back_background=”#1a72bf” back_color=”#ffffff” class=”” id=””]What are the benefits to the Learner?

Learner Expectation|||a. Informs the learner as to what to expect from the training
b. Informs the learner as to what is expected of the learner[/ms_flip_box][/ms_column]

First, if one of your thoughts was because it establishes a focus or a direction for the training, or, ‘Trainer Guidance,’ you are absolutely correct!  You can think about establishing outcomes in the same way you would think of deciding on a destination when you are planning a trip. Before you can determine the best route on your trip, you have to decide where you are going. The same is true for effective training design. Before you can determine what content must be included in your training session, you must know where you are headed—that is, you must identify your Workplace Outcome. This section of FET is going to give you the tools for establishing appropriate outcomes for each of your training sessions.

Outcomes inform the learner what to expect from a given training session. You can communicate these expectations by publicizing the Training Outcomes and Workplace Outcomes when you advertise your training. This information can be a narrative description or a bulleted format.  In most cases, participants are more motivated to select a training session that meets their needs if they are confident about what it is they will be learning.