ECE 113: Staff Wellness in Early Care and Education GP (2 hours)


This two hour online course includes information to support ECE professionals in key areas of self-care and wellness including adult nutrition, physical activity and stress management.


This online course includes information to support ECE professionals in key areas of self-care and wellness including adult nutrition, physical activity and stress management.  Participants will identify the role of wellness in job performance and interaction with children.  Discussion will include an overview of the value of worksite wellness and participants will identify 3 low cost ideas that promote staff wellness to bring back to their program.  As a summary activity, participants will create a personal wellness plan identifying small steps to improve their personal wellness.

Kentucky Core Content: 3-Professionalism and Professional Development
CDA Content: 6- Maintaining a Commitment to Professionalism
Training Level: 1

Number of training hours: 2



  • Identify benefits to staff wellness
  • Define role modelling and identify ways they role model healthy behaviors to children
  • Create a personal wellness action plan focused on small changes in nutrition, physical activity and stress
  • Identify 3 low-cost ideas that promote staff wellness to recommend to their worksite