What is guardianship in Kentucky?

Guardianship is a legal responsibility between a guardian and an adult individual.  In Kentucky, state guardianship will occur when the district courts appoint the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) as the legal guardian, instead of a private citizen or organization.

In many situations, family or friends can be identified to serve as guardians.  In some situations, there is an absence of family members or others who are willing and/or able to care for an individual or the individual does not have the resources to employ a private guardian.

In these situations, upon the court’s decision that an individual needs a guardian, a guardian with is assigned to the individual.  Please note, that the legal guardian listed is the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. However, guardianship workers are referred to as guardians. 

The guardian will provide assistance to individuals using a person-centered approach that maintains their dignity, respect, health, safety, and welfare.

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