Throughout this training, you will encounter the following types of activities:
?Handout: This icon indicates that there is content to refer to in your FET handout.
?Think Spot: An ungraded opportunity to reflect on the topic discussed and likely is tied to the course handout. It is recommended that you download or print the handout to have on hand while you complete the courses.
? Check Your Knowledge: A graded quiz to check your understanding of the topic(s) covered. These can be True/False, Multiple Choice, or Fill in the Blank. Check Your Knowledge quizzes are complete when 80% of the questions are answered correctly (unless otherwise indicated). You may take the Check Your Knowledge quizzes multiple times until 80% is achieved.
Application Assignments: A variety of graded assignments that have you apply what you have learned to demonstrate the use of specific knowledge, skills, and tools that enhance training.
Embedded Videos: Throughout the courses there are videos from various YouTube channels. These videos must be viewed in their entirety before moving on to the next topic. If you encounter a problem with a video please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page and include the name of the video or topic you are having trouble with.
? Training Coach Touchpoint: Throughout FET you will have an opportunity to reach out to your regional Training Coach to connect. This will be via assignment in the course, phone, email and/or Skype.
? Learning Boosts: You will receive brief reinforcements of content at specific time intervals following the training . These boosts are intended to aid in recalling information (recognition boost), answering an open response question (generative boost) or prompting you to think, form your own opinion and ideally compare your ideas to that of your peers (integrative boosts).
? Resources: Supplemental resources, including but not limited to, articles, links, and references.
For those of you that are new to online learning, or to Learndash in particular, it may take a little practice learning how to navigate through the course. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email.