Statements, Adjustments, Enrollment Fees, & Questions

Remittance Statements

A Remittance statement serves as a detailed receipt for CCAP payments. Remittance statements are available the day after the PBF has been processed by payment staff. Portal users can print their remittance statement from the Provider Portal after the PBF has been processed. Each Monday, DCC will print and mail non-portal users the remittance statement for payments processed the prior week. It is advised to print the remittance statement and keep for your records for tax and bookkeeping purposes. DCC is unable to print and send remittance statements for the year as they are made available to each provider.

The remittance statement provides:

  • Detailed payment amount for each child
  • Allows the provider to review the information and determine if the payment amounts are correct

In the event of incorrect payments, the provider must contact within ninety (90) calendar days after the month care was provided.  Kentucky Administrative Regulations state that payment adjustments will not be made ninety (90) calendar days after the month care was provided. 



Find a tip sheet for Printing the Remittance here:

Prior Period Adjustments (PPA)

A Prior Period Adjustment (PPA) is the process used by DCC billing staff, under certain circumstances, to correct a billing issue.  A PPA can only be used if the child has received payments in previous months.  Per Kentucky Administrative Regulations, (922.KAR 2:160, 17(g)) payments or adjustments cannot be made to the payment ninety (90) days after the month care was provided. 



Enrollment Fees

Enrollment fees can be paid for KTAP or Child Care Protection cases approved by DCBS Family Support or DCBS Protection and Permanency. Enrollment fees are only paid for these two groups of recipients. 

The enrollment fee must be requested by the provider in writing to Include the child’s name, case number, and the amount being requested.  Enrollment fees can only be paid once in a 12-month period and are limited to a family amount of $100 per year.






per family/year

Overages vs Copays

 Overages vs Copays

An overage and a copay are 2 very different things.  An overage occurs when the provider charges more than the State Max rate for the area.  For example, a provider charges $30 per day but the State Max Rate is $25 per day.  This means there is a $5 per day overage that the parent is responsible for in addition to the assessed copay found on the child care certificate.  The copay is assessed and assigned to the family during the eligibility process and printed on the CCAP certificate.  DCC doesn’t become involved with overages.  An overage would be unique to each center and is a business responsibility of the provider.  DCC is also not involved in the process of collecting the copay.  It is the provider’s financial responsibility as a business owner to maintain the overage and copay collection. 

Overage Calculation Example

If a provider charges $50 per day for an infant and the State Max Rate is $40 per day, there is an overage of $10 per day.  CCAP/CHFS pays $40 per day and the parent pays the overage of $10 per day to equal $50 per day.  ($40+$10=$50)

If the provider charges $50 for an infant and the family has a $5 copay, and the State Max Rate is $40 then CCAP/CHFS pays $35 per day and the parent pays the $5 per day copay and the $10 per day overage for a daily parent responsibility of $15 per day.  ($35 + $5 +$10 =$50)

Tax Details

DCC doesn’t provide a 1099 for taxes. The Kentucky Finance & Administration Cabinet/ Department of Revenue send out 1099’s yearly. DCC is unable to print or reissue a 1099.

Contact KY Department of Revenue: (502) 564-4581 or or Department of Finance and Administration (502) 564-8639.


An intercept may occur on a CCAP reimbursement payment if funds are owed to another state agency. Generally, this applies to back taxes, educational loan defaults, or back child support owed. DCC is not involved in the intercept and cannot offer any details, except the amount that was intercepted. Questions may be directed to:

Internal Revenue Service
Intercept Program

KY Department of Revenue
(502) 564-4581 or
Contact Online

KY Treasury Department
(502) 564-4722

Common Questions