Resumen del curso: ¡Bienvenido! Este curso ofrece información para los miembros del Consejo y el personal que aboga por las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo y sus familias.
Este curso se centrará en lo siguiente:
El papel del Consejo como abogado
Actividades de promoción
Estrategias para educar a los formuladores de políticas
Desarrollo de coaliciones y participación ciudadana
Condiciones para defender una posición
Objetivos del curso :
En este curso, usted:
Examinar el papel del Consejo como defensor de las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo.
Definir las actividades de promoción y cuáles son permisibles y no permisibles para el Concejo
Discutir estrategias que apoyen la educación de los formuladores de políticas.
Describir las condiciones necesarias para defender una posición o punto de vista
The information in this course is for members and staff who advocate for people with developmental disabilities and their families. If you need assistance or have questions about the course, please contact HDI Learning by clicking on the “Contact Us” button located below or using the link located at the bottom of each page.
It is required to complete each assessment with at least an 80% passing grade.
Navigate through the course linearly, making sure to select ‘Mark Complete’ at the bottom of each page.
La información de este curso es para los miembros y el personal que abogan por las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo y sus familias. Si necesita ayuda o tiene preguntas sobre el curso, comuníquese con HDI Learning haciendo clic en el botón “Contáctenos” que se encuentra a continuación o utilizando el enlace que se encuentra en la parte inferior de cada página.
Se requiere completar cada evaluación con al menos un 80% de calificación aprobatoria.
Navegue por el curso linealmente, asegurándose de seleccionar ‘Marcar como completado’ en la parte inferior de cada página.
Conoce a Elías
“Hola, soy Elias, un nuevo miembro del Consejo.
La defensa requiere que los Consejos utilicen diferentes estrategias para obtener apoyo público y político para una causa específica o una política legislativa.
Hemos sido emparejados para aprender cómo el Consejo puede abogar por las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo y sus familias.
Seleccione “Marcar como completado” a continuación para continuar.“
Ley de Asistencia para Discapacidades del Desarrollo y Declaración de Derechos ( Ley DD )
“El Consejo actuará como defensor de las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo y llevará a cabo o apoyará programas, proyectos y actividades que lleven a cabo el propósito de este subtítulo”.
“Apoyo activo de políticas y prácticas que promuevan los esfuerzos de cambio de sistemas y otras actividades que promuevan aún más la autodeterminación y la inclusión en todos los aspectos de la vida en la comunidad (incluida la vivienda, la educación, el empleo y otros aspectos) para las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo y sus familias. .”
“Uno de los propósitos del Consejo es abogar por las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo.
Esto significa que el Consejo participa en actividades que ayudan a generar cambios positivos en los sistemas.
Reflexionemos sobre las diferentes partes de la vida comunitaria y cómo se podría utilizar la promoción para cambiar y mejorar las cosas.
Seleccione el Think Spot a continuación para continuar”.
Hi! I am Jeffery. We are now going to take a look at several SOPs related to working with courts and court requirements. This includes annual court reports, renewal of limited appointment, and an individual’s right to vote.
You will be able to download each SOP to your desktop for future reference. Some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context or details. These are an opportunity for you to practice what you are learning.
Several SOPs will be reviewed, and there will be an opportunity for a brain break.
Congratulations! You have completed Guardianship Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Part 2! Please note that your supervisor may have follow-up questions or need more information. Please respond to any requests promptly.
Once you click “mark complete,” a certificate of completion will be available to you. You may print or download your certificate to verify the completion of Guardianship Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Part 2. This certificate will also be available at the beginning of the course anytime you log on.
Reminder from Aida
This course is part of a series of trainings required for all new employees. All new hires are required to satisfactorily complete trainings before being assigned cases.
All courses must be completed in order and in a timely manner.
This includes:
New Employee Orientation Part 1 (completed!)
New Employee Orientation Part 2 (completed!)
Guardianship Program Overview (completed!)
Person-Centered Planning (completed!)
Effective Case Work Documentation(completed!)
KYGFIS (completed!)
Universal Precautions (completed!)
Supported Decision-Making (completed!)
Guardianship the Law(completed!)
Court Process and Forms(completed!)
Guardianship SOPPart 1 (completed!)
Guardianship SOP Part 2 (completed!)
Levels of Care & Budgets
Common Diagnoses Explained
Kentucky Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Overview
Incident Reporting
Medical Consent
Guardianship Community Partners and Collateral Contacts
Safety Awareness
Communication and Coping When a Client Passes Away
Click the “Mark Complete” button below to access your certificate of completion.
Hi! I am Ronnie, and I am going to review some of the SOPs that you will use when working as a Guardian. The SOPs that I will be reviewing are related to the financial needs of an individual under guardianship. This includes budgets and property needs.
You will be able to download each SOP to your desktop for future reference. Some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context and details about the SOP. These are an opportunity for you to practice what you are learning.
Guardianship has several Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that provide more detail and depth about roles and responsibilities. In this second part of the SOP training, we will review court related SOPs and finance related SOPs.
Each SOP should be read in its entirety. As you progress, make a list of any questions you may have to discuss with the Guardianship trainer.
Course Goals
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Learning Goal #1 Identify SOPs used in work as a guardian.
Learning Goal #2 Examine SOPs as they relate to real life scenarios.
A Reminder from Aida:
This course is part of a series of trainings required for all new employees. All new hires are required to satisfactorily complete trainings before being assigned cases.
All courses must be completed in order and in a timely manner.
Hi! I am Ronnie, and I am going to be discussing some of the DAIL SOPs that you will use when working as a Guardian. The SOPs that I will be reviewing are related to working with an individual under guardianship. This includes things like is a person eligible, maintaining records, and use of state vehicles.
You will be able to download every SOP to your desktop for future reference, and some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context and details about the SOP. These are great opportunities to practice what you are learning.
We will review many SOPs, but don’t worry. There will be several opportunities for brain breaks.
Congratulations! You have completed DAIL 110: Guardianship Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Part 1! Please note that your supervisor may have follow-up questions or need more information. Please respond to any requests promptly.
Once you click “mark complete,” a certificate of completion will be available to you. You may print or download your certificate to verify the completion of DAIL 110: Guardianship Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Part 1. This certificate will also be available at the beginning of the course anytime you log on.
Reminder from Aida
This course is part of a series of trainings required for all new employees. All new hires are required to satisfactorily complete trainings before being assigned cases.
All courses must be completed in order and in a timely manner.
This includes DAIL:
New Employee Orientation Part 1 (completed!)
New Employee Orientation Part 2 (completed!)
Guardianship Program Overview (completed!)
Universal Precautions (completed!)
Person-Centered Planning (completed!)
Supported Decision Making(completed!)
Effective Case Work Documentation(completed!)
Guardianship the Law(completed!)
Court Process and Forms(completed!)
Guardianship SOPPart 1 (completed!)
Guardianship SOP Part 2
Levels of Care
Common Diagnoses Explained
Kentucky Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Overview
Incident Reporting
Medical Consent
Guardianship Community Partners and Collateral Contacts
Safety Awareness
Communication and Coping When a Client Passes Away
KYGFIS System Training
Click the “Mark Complete” button below to access your certificate of completion.
Hi! I am Jeffery, we are now going to take a look at several SOPs related to working with courts and court requirements. This includes annual court reports, renewal of limited appointment, and an individual’s right to vote.
You will be able to download each SOP to your desktop for future reference. Some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context or details about the SOP. These are an opportunity for you to practice what you are learning.
Several SOPs will be reviewed, and there will be an opportunity for a brain break.
Hi! I am Simon, and I am going to review some of the DAIL SOPs that you will use when working as a Guardian. The SOPs that I will be reviewing are related to the medical, health, and safety needs of an individual under guardianship. This includes reporting incidents, health care needs, and life-saving measures.
You will be able to download each SOP to your desktop for future reference. Some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context and details about the SOP. These are an opportunity for you to practice what you are learning.
We will be reviewing several SOPs, but don’t worry; we will offer opportunities for brain breaks.
Guardianship has several Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that provide more detail and depth about roles and responsibilities. In this second part of the SOP training, will review court related SOPs and finance related SOPs.
Course Goals
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Learning Goal #1 Identify SOPs used in work as a guardian.
Learning Goal #2 Examine SOPs as they relate to real life scenarios.
A Reminder from Aida:
This course is part of a series of trainings required for all new employees. All new hires are required to satisfactorily complete trainings before being assigned cases.
All courses must be completed in order and in a timely manner.
Hi! I am Ronnie, and I am going to be discussing some of the DAIL SOPs that you will use when working as a Guardian. The SOPs that I will be reviewing are related to working with an individual under guardianship. This includes things like is a person eligible, maintaining records, and use of state vehicles.
You will be able to download every SOP to your desktop for future reference, and some SOPs will have a scenario to provide more context and details about the SOP. These are great opportunities to practice what you are learning.
We will review many SOPs, but don’t worry. There will be several opportunities for brain breaks.