Lesson 4: What is the Community Work Transition Project and What Is Its Role in Successful Transition?

Community Work Transition Program

Is a collaborative program between the Human Development Institute (HDI), the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Kentucky Office for Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) – and one way for school districts to provide both Pre-Employment Transition Services and transition services (vocational assessment, job placement) to students with disabilities.

OVR counselor authorizes services to the school district to provide vocationally relevant Pre-ETS and individualized Transition Services to potentially eligible and/or eligible students.

Lesson 1: How do you prepare students for employment?

First, let’s consider how to prepare students for employment. In this first lesson, you will explore topics listed below that walk through the steps for preparing students for employment. As a refresher, as discussed in EMP 101: What We All Need to Know About Transition for Students with Significant Disabilities

Students with disabilities  According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, an individual with a disability is a person who has (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) interprets a “qualified student with a disability” at the elementary and secondary level to refer to a student with a disability who is “of an age at which students without disabilities are provided elementary and secondary educational services; of an age at which it is mandatory under state law to provide elementary and secondary educational services to student with disabilities; or a student to whom the state is required to provide a free appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Employment means the Rehabilitation Act previously used the term competitive employment extensively, but never defined it. There is now a definition of “competitive integrated employment”, meaning full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to those without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with coworkers without disabilities. This is considered the optimal outcome under WIOA.

Click on the first topic below to continue in the course.

Payment Process

The provider billing forms (PBF, DCC-97) are available on the first day (excluding weekends and holidays) of each month to cover the prior month’s enrollments.  Providers who have the Provider Portal can access and submit their billing electronically.  Providers who do not have Provider Portal access will receive their PBFs in the mail.  Paper PBFs are mailed out on the first day of each month (excluding weekends and holidays). Paper PBF’s may be mailed back to DCC using the address on the form.  The billing staff have ten (10) business days to process the billing forms.  Once received paper billing forms are date stamped and then processed as quickly as possible. No payments or adjustments can be made to the payment ninety (90) days after the month care was provided.  

The DCC-97 Provider billing form

Provider payments are issued as a check payment unless the provider chooses to receive the payment as an electronic direct deposit.  A DCC-93, Authorization for Electronic Deposit form can be requested by contacting DCC.  If the DCC-93 is incomplete it will be returned to the provider for completion.  Payment options may only be changed a total of three (3) times within a calendar year unless there is a change in provider type or license number. 

Provider Billing Form example
Provider Billing Form

Billing Codes

The DCC-97 displays the expected attendance schedule and a blank exception line.  Exceptions are changes from the expected schedule.  If a child’s attendance is different from the expected schedule, the provider must enter exception codes. The expected schedule is the schedule found on the DCC-94.  If schedule is incorrect the client will need to contact DCBS Family Support to correct it.

The billing codes are as follows:

NOTE:  Codes 43, 45, 55 and 65 are based on the provider’s circumstance.

Codes 40, 45, 50 and 60 are based on the circumstance of the child.

The exception codes for each provider type are as follows:

Licensed Provider

01 – Full day

02 – Part day

40 – Excused absence (five (5) per month permitted without documentation of the reason)

NOTE: This code is only used for the purpose of the child being absent from the center on a day that the center was open and the child was scheduled to be in attendance.  It is not used if the provider was not open for business.

43 – Holiday, closed but payment requested

NOTE:  Limit of ten (10) days per year.  If provider is closed for holidays for more than ten (10) days per year, they must be shown as code 55.

45 – Extraordinary absence (For absences which exceed five (5) days, written documentation of illness, (except for maternity leave), natural disaster (declared by nation, county or state), or death in the family must be on file and retained with the provider’s daily attendance sign-in sheets)

50 – Unexcused absence – any absence which exceeds five (5) per month and is not documented by one of the four (4) reasons shown for code 45

55 – Closed, no payment requested

60 – Last day attended –payable day-follow with code 55 to prevent overpayment

65 – Non-payable day used to end enrollment-follow with code 55 to prevent overpayment

Use the following for flex schedules:

401 – Flex excused absence (five (5) per month permitted) full day

402 – Flex excused absence (five (5) per month permitted) part day

431 – Flex closed but payment requested (scheduled holiday) full day

432 – Flex closed but payment requested (scheduled holiday) part day

451 – Flex extraordinary absence full day

452 – Flex extraordinary absence part day

601– Flex last day attended – payable full day, follow with code 55

602 – Flex last day attended – payable part day, follow with code 55

651 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable full day, follow with code 55

652 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable part day, follow with code 55

Certified Providers

01 – Full day

02 – Part day

40 – Excused absence (five (5) per month permitted)

43 – Holiday, closed but payment requested

NOTE: Limit of ten (10) days per year.  If provider is closed for holidays for more than ten (10) days per year, they must be shown as code 55.

50 – Unexcused absence – any absence in excess of five (5) per month

55 – Closed, no payment requested

60 – Last day attended –payable day, follow with code 55

65 – Non-payable day used to end enrollment, follow with code 55

Use the following for flex schedules:

401 – Flex excused absence (five (5) per month permitted) full day

402 – Flex excused absence (five (5) per month permitted) part day

431 – Flex closed but payment requested (scheduled holiday) full day

432 – Flex closed but payment requested (scheduled holiday) part day

601 – Flex last day attended – payable full day, follow with code 55

602 – Flex last day attended – payable part day, follow with code 55

651 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable full day, follow with code 55

652 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable part day, follow with code 55

Registered Providers

01 – Full day

02 – Part day

50 – Absence

60 – Last day attended –payable day, follow with code 55

65 – Non-payable day used to end enrollment, follow with code 55

Use the following for flex schedules:

601 – Flex last day attended – payable full day, follow with code 55

602 – Flex last day attended – payable part day, follow with code 55

651 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable full day, follow with code 55

652 – Flex day to end enrollment – non-payable part day, follow with code 55

Important Reminders:

  • Provider Billing Forms (PBF) are ready for providers beginning the first day of the month.
  • PBF are processed by billing staff within ten (10) business days of receipt or being submitted in the portal.
  • Providers shall receive payment within thirty (30) calendar days.
  • If you have a claim, you can sign the PBF monthly to have your claim payment taken out of your payment.
  • No payments or adjustments will be made ninety (90) or more days after the month care is provided.
  • Using correct billing codes helps prevent overpayments.

Remittance Statements

Remittance statements are available the day after the PBF has been processed by payment staff. Portal users can print their remittance statement from the Provider Portal after the PBF has been processed. Each Monday, DCC will print and mail non-portal users the remittance statement for payments processed the prior week. 

The remittance provides:

  • Detailed payment amount for each child
  • Allows the provider to review the information and determine if the payment amounts are correct

In the event of incorrect payments, the provider must contact the Payment Section (844-209-2657) within ninety (90) calendar days of the receipt of the Remittance Statement.

Enrollment Fees

Enrollment fees can be paid for clients approved by DCBS Family Support or DCBS Protection and Permanency. Enrollment fees are paid for these two groups of recipients.  The enrollment fee must be requested by the provider in writing to the DCC Payment Section. These requests can be sent to the DCC Technical Assistance chfs.dcbsdcctechnicalassistance@ky.gov.

Provider Claims/Overpayments

An overpayment is when CCAP payments exceed the amount a CCAP recipient or a child care provider was eligible to receive. The purpose of a claim is to collect the amount of the overpayment paid to a provider.  Providers may contact DCC Claims at 844-209-2657 with claim inquiries.

Types of Provider Claims

  • Agency errors (error made by the agency)
  • Inadvertent Household Error (IHE)
  • Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
  • Intentional Program Violation-Court (IPC)
  • Suspected Intentional Program Violation (SIPV)

Notification of a claim

DCC will provide initial notice to the child care provider suspected of having a potential claim.  If the potential claim is a suspected IPV then the following notices will be sent: 

  • DCC-84 Notice of Suspected Intentional Program Violation, and
    • DCC-84A Supplement A

DCC will offer the Provider an opportunity to meet with the Cabinet to

  • Discuss the potential claim;
    • Determine the category of the claim;
    • Sign the DCC-84 Supplement A, if an IPV is suspected

If an overpayment is the result if any intentional program violation, a disqualification period will be imposed.  During a disqualification period a provider may not receive CCAP payments. 

 Disqualification periods are determined as follows:

  • 1st offense- 12 months Disqualification
  • 2nd offense- 24 months Disqualification
  • 3rd offense- Permanent Disqualification

 Methods of Payments

  • check payment
  • electronic (direct) deposit[SK(DD1] 
  • voluntary payment arrangement, negotiated either orally or in writing including a payment schedule
  • court-ordered payments
  • state tax refund interception
  • lottery offsets
  • wage garnishment
  • referral to a collection agency

A full or partial lump-sum payment can be accepted to settle a claim.  A provider may choose to submit a DCC-97 Supplement A, Voluntary Payment Reduction form, indicating the amount the provider wishes to have applied to the claim.  The amount indicated on the DCC-97 cannot be less than ten (10%) of the total CCAP payment.

Daily Attendance Records DCC-94E

A DCC-94E, Child Care Daily Attendance Record, is required for all provider (licensed, certified, and registered).   Each child’s name needs to be listed legibly on attendance records exactly as listed on the PBF and certificate.  The parent, guardian or authorized representative need to record the actual time the child arrives and departs daily and initial.  DO NOT record this information in advance.  To verify accuracy of attendance the parent, guardian or authorized representative must sign the form at the end of each week.  If the parent, guardian or authorized representative fail to initial in and out or sign at the end of the week funds may be recouped.  The PBF and sign in and out sheets should be compared to ensure the child’s attendance, absences and holidays have been recorded and billed correctly. 

Child Care Daily Attendance Record
Child Care Daily Attendance Record

Using the Portal Provider Notification/Service Agreement

DCC-94C Payment Termination Notice

If the child’s enrollment is being discontinued for any reason during the certification period (end date on the certificate), a DCC-94C Provider Notification of Payment Termination notice will be generated.  The effective date is the first day of non-payment.  If there are any questions, the parent will need to contact DCBS Family Support. Providers may contact DCC with questions concerning payments or certificates at 844-209-2657.  Due to confidentiality, DCBS and DCC staff are not able to communicate the reason for the discontinuance.  Staff may only discuss the information that is on the certificate.  Any other concerns or questions will require the client to contact DCBS Family Support.

example of the provider notification of payment termination

DCC 94 – Child Care Service Agreement and Certificate

When a case is initially approved, a DCC-94, Child Care Service Agreement and Certificate will be sent to the parent and the provider IF the parent granted Provider Portal access to the provider during the interview process.  The DCC-94 shows the child’s pending enrollment, along with other valuable information. Please review certificates for:

  • Child’s schedule
  • State reimbursement rate
  • Provider payment
  • Family co-pay
  • Start and end date of enrollment 
DCC 94 example highlighting the enrollment start and end dates, the child's schedule, the daily co-pay, and the provider payment sections.

A provider needs to be aware of the child’s eligibility end date on the certificate because you will not receive notice when the end date is nearing.  An enrollment that does not have any changes during an eligibility period uses the dates on the certificate as notice of end of care. 

Blank DCC 94 Form
Sample of the DCC 94

Important Information to Discuss with the Client

  • Enrollment start/end date
  • Enrollment schedule
  • Co-pay
  • Overage amounts

Discuss copayment and/or overage amounts with the client along with child’s enrollment schedule when the certificate is being signed.  It is important for the families and providers to carefully review the certificate to be aware of all details and accuracy.  Instruct the parent to notify DCBS Family Support of any discrepancies. DCC encourages providers to make a copy of all three (3) pages of the certificate for record keeping purposes.  This certificate must be signed by the provider and client and returned to DCBS Family Support Office or uploaded to the Provider Portal within ten (10) calendar days.  Payments cannot be made until the signed certificate is returned. 

If the client has questions about the certificate, the client will need to call, 855-306-8959 or visit DCBS Family Support.

If you, as the provider, have question about the certificate call DCC at 844-209-2657. 

In order to receive a DCC-97, Provider Billing Form (PBF) or for a child to show up on a PBF the DCC-94 must be signed by the provider, client and returned to the DCBS office or provider portal within ten (10) calendar days.  Once returned a Family Support worker will change the enrollment from pending to active in Worker Portal.  A PBF will generate for the following month. 

Return the ENTIRE 3 page Certificate by:

  • Uploading to Provider Portal (fastest and most efficient);
  • Fax it to 502-573-2007;
  • Hand delivered to the local DCBS office; or
  • Mailing it to:   DCBS PO Box 2104 Frankfort, KY 40603

Allowing children to begin care without a signed certificate is a business decision the provider may make. Please remember, CCAP payments are not guaranteed until a certificate has been signed, returned to the DCBS office, and entered into the system which completes the enrollment process.

What happens if the DCC-94 is not returned within ten (10) calendar days?

If the certificate is not returned timely, payments cannot be made and may be denied for the time the child was in care.  The parent will be notified the certificate has not been returned, that payment will not be made and that a new provider needs to be chosen within ten (10) calendar days. 

Payment Rates

The DCC-300 Kentucky Child Care Maximum Payment Rate Chart details by county the max rate the state will pay per child based upon license type and age of child. Rates for payment of child care services include a base rate for each type of care as well as incentive/special rates (if applicable).  Rates are based on a full day, which is defined as care five (5) to eighteen (18) hours per day, or a part day, which is defined as less than five (5) hours of care per day.   The state of Kentucky does not mandate the rates a provider can charge.  Each provider can consult the DCC-300 when setting their rates but ultimately may charge more or less than these rates. Providers are encouraged to complete a DCC-94B Licensed or Certified Provider Agreement Form yearly.  The DCC- 94B allows providers to make any billing changes that may affect their CCAP. 

 Families are responsible for:

  • Registration fees
  • Overages
  • Activity fees
  • Transportation fees
  • Any other charges required by the provider not included in the daily rates

Payment rates are determined by the age of the child. The chart below outlines the age and the PBF code that corresponds.

Birth through 12 monthsInfant 1  (IN-1)
1 to 2nd birthdayToddler 1  (TD-1)
2 to 3rd birthdayToddler 2   (TD-2)
3 to 4th birthdayPreschool 1   (PS-1)
4 to 5th birthdayPreschool 2    (PS-2)
5 to 6th birthdayPreschool 3    (PS-3)
6 to 8th birthdaySchool age 1   (SA-1)
 8 to 13th birthdaySchool age 2   (SA-2)
13 to 19th birthdaySchool age 3   (SA-3)


There are three types of child care enrollment schedules.

  • The regular schedule is used most frequently. The child requires a consistent and predictable care schedule.  For example, care is needed 5 days per week Monday thru Friday.  A regular schedule may also involve a variety of different days and/or full days (5 or more hours per day; FD) or part days (under 5 hours per day;PD). For example, every week the child needs care Mon-Wed FD and Tue-Thur PD.
  • The school schedule is geared toward children who are of primary school age.  It allows full days when school is not in session (including summer time and snow days) and part days when school is in session.  District school schedules are entered into KICCS prior to school starting each year. Snow days are updated during the month they occur. 
  • The flex schedule is utilized if the client’s schedule varies and is unpredictable week to week.  A flex schedule is used to accommodate the client who works different hours and different days every week and they are unable to predict their schedule week to week.  For example, the schedule may be entered as 4 FD 1 PD per week.  These days can vary and may not be the same days each week. 

 Notice of Change Certificate

Providers will receive the DCC-94 Notice of Change Child Care Service Agreement if the copay increases, decreases or if the child’s care schedule is changing.  No signatures are required, this is for record keeping purposes only.  Signatures are required at application, recertification or with a provider change.

Sample of the notice of change certificate
Sample of notice of change certificate

Start Here: Family Eligibility and Requirements

The purpose of CCAP is to assist families in accessing and obtaining quality child care.  The client must meet all technical eligibility requirements established by DCC to receive services.  From the date of application a client has thirty (30) calendar days to complete the process and return all requested verifications.  If the application is approved for benefits, the certification is valid for twelve (12) months; as long as the family is meeting the technical eligibility requirements of the program.

During this twelve (12) month eligibility period; the case may discontinue if there is a reported change that puts the case into a grace period. The CCAP grace period is a temporary period, (up to three (3) months) during which a client is not meeting the minimum eligibility requirements, but remains eligible for CCAP.  A grace period is the three (3) calendar months following the date of the reported change.  Grace periods are only applied to cases with active eligibility that have a break in the work, education and training, or SNAP E&T requirement for circumstances such as maternity/medical leave, a loss of job, or reduction of hours in the eligible activity. Grace periods will NEVER extend past the recertification date.

Income Eligibility

At initial application for low income subsidized child care services, the family must have a monthly gross countable income which is less than or equal to the Child Care Income Limits (table below-left). Families who have been approved for child care services remain income-eligible as long as their countable monthly gross income is at or below 85% of the state median income (table below-right) after a reported change. 

Child Care 160% Income Limits
(at initial application)


85% of SMI (at case change) Effective 7/1/17


At recertification families who have been approved for child care services remain income eligible as long as their monthly countable gross income is less than or equal to the Child Care Income Limits (table below).

Child Care 200% Income Limits (at recertification)


Important Information Concerning Clients

At least thirty (30) days before the end of a certification period, a DCC-90F, Notice of Renewal Interview, is mailed to client, giving them a timeframe to call or visit the DCBS Family Support office to begin the recertification process.  The letter details what they need to bring to their appointment to ensure the case can be approved as quickly as possible.  Same day approval is only available if all needed documentation is provided on the day the client is in the office.

During the interview, the DCBS Family Support worker informs the client about responsibilities as a CCAP recipient:

  • The family may be assessed a daily co-payment based on their income, household size, number of children and other factors;
  • The amount of their co-payment;
  • The responsibility of paying their co-payment to their provider on a weekly basis;
  • They may be required to pay an overage if the provider charges more than the state’s maximum payment rate; and,
  • The client may be responsible for payment of additional fees charged by the provider.

The client is responsible for paying their family copay on a weekly basis.  It is important to not allow clients to fall behind in this co-payment.  When a client makes a request to change provider enrollment a ten (10) day notice is given to the current provider to ensure collection of outstanding co-payments. 

A provider cannot charge participants in the child care assistance program a higher rate for child care than is being charged to the public.

The client is responsible for reporting changes to the DCBS Family Support office within ten (10) days. Reported changes may affect the continued eligibility for CCAP and include:

  • Start or end of a job;
  • Change of employer or extra jobs;
  • More or less hours worked;
  • Increase or decrease in pay;
  • More or less people in the household;
  • Self-employment;
  • Schedule change for day care;
  • Start or end of educational activity and/or participation in SNAP/E&T
  • Child care provider change;
  • Mailing address and/or physical residence;
  • Marital Status; or
  • Start or end receipt of unearned income

The client may report changes by calling (855-306-8959) or visiting a DCBS Family Support office. 

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