[ms_icon icon=”fa-pencil-square-o” size=”24″ color=”#fdd200″ icon_box=”yes” class=”” id=””] Using the TEACCH Data Sheet Scheduling planning form, for each of your students determine appropriate:
[ms_icon icon=”fa-pencil-square-o” size=”24″ color=”#fdd200″ icon_box=”yes” class=”” id=””] Using the Environmental Arrangement Planning Form, make a list of areas that you need to create in your classroom. Supplies Needed: Graph Paper
Baumgart, D. et al. TASH Volume 7, Summer 1982. Principle of partial participation and individualized adaptations in educational programs for severely handicapped students.
Barnsley Assistive Technology Team
Berg, W.K., Wacker, D.P., & Steege, M.W. (1995). Best practices in assessment with persons who have severe or profound handicaps. In A. Thomas & J.Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-III (3rd ed., pp.805-816). Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.
Browder, D. M., Wakeman, S. Y., Flowers, C., Rickelman, R. J., Pugalee, D., & Karvonen, M. (2007). Creating access to the general curriculum with links to grade level content for students with significant cognitive disabilities: An explication of the concept. The Journal of Special Education, 41, 2-16.
Collins, B. C., Karl, J., Riggs, L., Galloway, C. G., & Hager, K. D. (2010). Teaching core content with real life applications to secondary students with moderate severe disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43, 52-59.
A functional behavior assessment can be used when the intensity, duration, or type of interfering behavior creates safety concerns or impacts a child’s development.
Greetings and welcome to the SPLASH online course: Data Collection and Data Based Decisions. The purpose of this course is to help you understand how to make data-based decisions about student data.
To complete the modules, here are the directions:
Go to the sites listed below (links will open in a new window).
Problems accessing the modules? Use the contact us button below to contact a staff member.
Once you complete the two modules, you will be presented with a notification of completion with your name. Save this screen as a PDF, take a picture with a smartphone, or take a screen capture. You will need this for both modules to document your completion in the quiz below.
This course has interactive content displayed in Flash. Know that it might take a moment for the content to load, depending on your internet connection and browser. If the content does not load, enable Flash or use an alternate browser or device. Please note: the most compatible browser is Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Alternatively, you can use this link to open in HTML5 (modern browsers and mobile devices).
Now, complete a 15 question quiz. You must pass at 80% or higher to receive your certificate and you may complete the quiz more than one time. The certificate will be available once 80% is achieved. If you also need a CRC Certificate, please email patti.naber@uky.edu.