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Archives: Lessons
Lesson 4: The American Emergency Planning System & Taking Action _review
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Lesson 3: The Effects of Disasters and COVID-19 on People with Disabilities _review
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Lesson 2: The Prepared4ALL Process in Action _review
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Lesson 1: Welcome to Disasterville: The Prepared4ALL Process and COVID-19 Testing _review
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Course Evaluation
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Lesson 10: OVR Expectations
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Lesson 9: Additional Supported Employment Services
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Lesson 9: Step Down Supports
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Lesson 8: Transition to Medicaid Waivers or Other Extended Services Funding
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Lesson 6: Supported Employment Services
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Lesson 5: Job Development
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Lesson 4: Discovery
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Lesson 3: Phases of Traditional SE, Required Documentation, and Invoicing to OVR
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Lesson 2: Overview of Supported Employment
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Lesson 1: Core Training
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Lesson 6: Preparing to Be a Leader
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Lesson 5: Preparing for Work in the Community
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Lesson 4: Preparing for Work
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Lesson 6: Americans with Disabilities Act Rights in Emergencies and Pandemics
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