In 2002, KIDS NOW began planning for the PDF. Workgroups developed individual components of the state wide system with a goal of improving Kentucky’s quality of Early Care and Education through high quality professional development.
The Vision for Kentucky
KIDS Now = Kentucky Invests in Developing Success NOW
Statement: All young
children in Kentucky are healthy and safe, possess the foundation that will
enable school and personal success, and live in strong families that are
supported and strengthened within their communities.
The PDF is based on research that shows:
Reference: American Federation of teachers, 2002; Kagan & Neuman, 1996; Learning to Care, 1998; North Carolina Partnership, 1998; Whitebrook, Howes, & Phillips, 1990.
PACES™ is taught as a component of Fundamentals of Effective Training (FET), providing a systematic approach to developing a training plan, assisting in identifying the training content, and identifying methods and aids to be used in teaching content. Throughout this lesson you will learn more about what PACES™ is and how to use it.
Training Outcomes
Participants will identify what PACES™ stands for.
Participants will describe training strategies that support PACES™.
Introduce the PACES™ strategies for writing a training plan.
Describe and provide a rationale for each PACES™ strategy in regard to the training session.
Provide examples of experiences that support each PACES™ strategy.
Please refer to the FET 2: Training Design handout page 17.
Up to this point you have learned about the what, why and how of the Needs Assessment, developed a Needs Assessment plan, and learned the importance of Core Content. Now you are ready to put the content together, beginning with Identifying Outcomes. You are going to learn about the difference between a Workplace Outcome and a Training Outcome. You also will learn how to write SMART Outcomes and apply that criteria to outcomes you have written or will write.
Training Outcomes
Participants will distinguish between Workplace Outcomes and Training Outcomes.
Participants will select outcomes that meet SMART criteria and develop/revise outcomes for their training session.
Define ‘single level training’
Define ‘Training Outcome’ and ‘Workplace Outcome’
Define a SMART outcome
Explain the rationale for establishing outcomes
Identify appropriate ‘outcome’ terminology
Please refer to the FET 2: Training Design handout, pages 12-15.
In the Outlining Training Content section, first you learned about and practiced designing a needs assessment survey and now you will be exploring Core Content. Core Content includes the 5 Levels of Training, 7 Subject Areas and competencies for Early Childhood providers.
Below is the Roadmap and Training Outcome that will show the path you will be taking to learn more about Core Content.
Training Outcome
Participants will recognize and utilize the Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content Document including locating specific competencies, the levels and subject areas.
Recognize and utilize the Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content Document
Locate specific competencies in the Early Childhood Core Content
Understand the 5 Levels of Core Content
Understand the 7 Core Content Subject Areas
Please refer to the FET 2: Training Design handout, pages 9-11.
In this topic you will be focusing your attention on the Needs Assessment. The Needs Assessment supports the trainer in identifying key information that will drive the direction of the content for the training topic.
Below is the Training Outcome and Roadmap that will show the path you will be taking to learn more about Needs Assessments.
Training Outcome
Participants will design a needs assessment for one training session that addresses the major steps in quality assessment.
Define ‘Needs Assessment’ and rationale for Needs Assessment
Identify 3 key areas of inquiry for developing a Needs Assessment
Identify methods of gathering information for a Needs Assessment
Identify types of Needs Assessments
Practice developing a Needs Assessment
Please refer to the FET 2: Training Design handout pages 3-8.
If you as a trainer continuously use the same training methods that you enjoy as a participant …
You will be at ease using that training method.
That training method will likely be successful for you.
You could get “stuck” using that training method too much and the result would be less interesting training.
You would not be meeting all of your audience’s learning needs.
You will need to expand your repertoire of training methods.
What should influence your selection?
The following four criteria must be considered and will
influence your selection of a desired “training method”:
Training Outcomes
The Learners
Size of group
Experience levels
Practical Requirements
Training room environment
Time involved (prep and execution)
Materials needed
Costs involved
Advantages and Cautions to Consider of the Training Method
The more familiar and comfortable you become in exploring and implementing various training methods, you will realize how important each of these criteria are in making decisions regarding the feasibility with any given method.
Process or strategy used to present and emphasize workshop
Rationale for
using a variety of Training Methods:
Assists the trainer in addressing adult learner
characteristics as well as meeting the needs of diverse groups of learners.
Training methods are a trainer’s good friend. The effective use of training methods can help your training stay interesting, focused and active, therefore meeting the needs of your participants.
Below are the Training Outcomes and Roadmap that will show the path you will be taking to learn more about Training Methods.
Training Outcomes
Participants will describe basic training methods that utilize principles of adult learning theory to effectively present training content to diverse groups of adult learners.
Participants will select training methods that utilize principles of adult learning theory to effectively present training content to diverse groups of adult learners.
Provide the definition and rationale for ‘training methods’.
Discuss four criteria to consider when selecting training
Identify training methods that support specific principles
of adult learning theory.
Please refer to the FET 2: Training Design handout pages 18-26.
Within this second part of Training Aids, you will be exposed to many kinds of training aids for you to consider implementing in your training sessions.
You will need your handout accessible in order to successfully complete this section; pages 31-37.
Training Aid Types, Benefits and Tips for Trainers
The following activity provides you with an opportunity to carefully look at the pages on Training Aids in your FET ?handout and to reflect on one that is of interest to you. As trainers, we use many if not all of these and they can all be useful and effective if matched with the correct content.
Read pages 31 – 37 to learn about the types, benefits and trainer tips for the various training aids described.
From the examples provided, choose one training aid and write a statement as to why you like it and how you use it.
Think of one Training Aid that you plan to use, and in the comment box below, respond to the following:
1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct ORhow
you have seen it used by another trainer?
This is an ungraded assignment but must be completed to proceed.
Once you complete the assignment, you will have completed FET: 7 Training Aids. Please move on to FET 8: 3 Components of a Training Plan – found under “My Courses”.
Training Aids are multi-sensory materials designed to also assist the trainer in addressing adult learner characteristics. It is an asset as a trainer to be more intentional to meet the needs of our learners.
Common Training Aids
Video clips
E-charts & graphs
This list will not surprise you as a trainer or as a participant. They are commonly used and when used appropriately and in balance with other strategies, they are effective, useful and keep the training sessions interesting. The key words here are “used appropriately” and “in balance.” Any strategy, method or aid that is overused loses its effectiveness, so you want to balance your use of the various things that are available to you.
More Training Aids
Flip charts/Posters
Dry-Erase Boards
Job Aids
This additional list of training aids is to remind you that you
have lots of options available. That said, these lists should help you to
always keep your training fresh and interesting. It is the trainer’s
responsibility to work on keeping participants “tuned-in” and “turned-on” to
what they have come to your training to receive.
Multi-sensory materials that support the selected training method.
Rationale for using a variety of Training Aids:
Focus learner’s attention
Increase learner’s interest
Improve learner’s retention
This definition and rationale supports
the notion that everything we talk about has a purpose and is designed to help you
design and/or develop a more effective training opportunity for the
participants that will be in your training sessions.
On each box is a common training aid that supports learners.
Props, demonstrations, and testimonies help to focus a learner’s attention.
Graphs, charts, resources help to increase a learner’s interest
Congratulations! You have now walked through all the steps necessary to complete a Training Plan. Looking forward to putting this into practice at our upcoming group training day. For full details about the group training day and agenda go to FET 3 under My Courses.
Your feedback is valuable and greatly appreciated.
now, you have been introduced to the Needs Assessment and the Training Plan
Worksheet. These two documents are essential to creating a Training Plan.
the Training Plan is step #7 (How?) of the 7 steps in developing a Training
Plan. The ‘how’ is all about the Training Plan.
The Training Plan is the
roadmap that guides how the trainer will….
Cover the content
Use appropriate methods and interesting materials
Provide practice opportunities
Meet learning styles
Remain focused
Stay within the timeframe agreed upon
Meet the training outcomes.
Training Plan also helps to ensure that participants can be more successful in
meeting the Workplace Outcome. The Training Plan is critical for successfully
addressing the ‘how’.
All the work you have done up to now will provide the content and information that is needed when creating your Training Plan. The video below will walk you through the blank Training Plan form. Feel free to pause and watch the video as many times as needed.
You will receive the blank training plan in FET3. You will use it for FET3 and FET4 assignments.
The Blank Training Plan Mindmap linked below combines PACES with the training plan components visually.It can also be seen on page 37 of your handout.
So far, you have learned about the needs assessment, identifying outcomes, specific steps for outlining content, training methods, and training aids.
We will now cover the training plan form, the rationale for using a training plan form, and how it supports the trainer’s efforts to design a well-sequenced, well-timed and balanced training session for participants.
Training Outcomes
Participants will identify and define the three components of the Training Plan.
Participants will calculate appropriate time frames for each component.
Participants will describe what training tasks occur within each component.
Introduce the three components of a Training Plan.
Identify the percentage “range of time” for each component.
Introduce the tasks that comprise each component of the Training Plan.
Please refer to the FET 2 Training Design Handout, pages 34-36.