Overview of Types F19

Within this second part of Training Aids, you will be exposed to many kinds of training aids for you to consider implementing in your training sessions.

You will need your handout accessible in order to successfully complete this section; pages 31-37.

Training Aid Types, Benefits and Tips for Trainers

The following activity provides you with an opportunity to carefully look at the pages on Training Aids in your FET ?handout and to reflect on one that is of interest to you. As trainers, we use many if not all of these and they can all be useful and effective if matched with the correct content.

  • Read pages 31 – 37 to learn about the types, benefits and trainer tips for the various training aids described.
  • From the examples provided, choose one training aid and write a statement as to why you like it and how you use it.

Think of one Training Aid that you plan to use, and in the comment box below, respond to the following:

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?

This is an ungraded assignment but must be completed to proceed.

Once you complete the assignment, you will have completed FET: 7 Training Aids. Please move on to FET 8: 3 Components of a Training Plan – found under “My Courses”.


I have seen props used in past training’s. I feel this is very engaging and provides an opportunity to aid in retention. Connecting what is being taught to a specific prop being used is very beneficial.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
I plan to use short video clips in my trainings. This engages participants, but also helps them see the concept in a different format which may be helpful.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I would introduce and discuss the topic on my own and then would lead into the video OR I could introduce what the topic of discussion is and then use the video to lead into full discussion.

julie (Group Leader) October 26, 2019 at 9:06 am

1) What makes this Training Aid effective? Props are highly effective, in being able to have hands on experience with what is being discussed, and in effectively illustrating a topic.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer? For a training on self care, you might have an empty pitcher, with the inability to pour into the smaller glasses around it, and self care activities in labelled cups. By caring for yourself, taking place in self care activities, each labelled cup helps you fill your own pitcher, so you are able to effectively pour out into all the tiny glasses around it without becoming empty yourself.

Michele (Group Leader) November 4, 2019 at 2:03 pm

Julie, I LOVE this!

1) What makes this Training Aid effective? Props and demonstration are highly effective for me. I feel like I am more engaged when I see something tangible being used and how to use it.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I would use it for participants engagement and hopefully spark their imagination on how to use the props for other things. This is also a way for you to emphasize an idea and increase their retention of the topic or idea. If my topic is about the importance of early literacy, maybe I could bring a book and puppet. Something for them to remember and take back to the classroom with them. Also, the puppet could be an attention-getter to introduce the topic.

I like to use video clips to break up tension and to let everyone take a second to breath. Sometimes there is an overload of information. I usually enjoy short video clips during trainings. Especially if they are funny 🙂

Sometimes before a bathroom break or just when the trainer sees participants getting restless or seem disinterested they will play a comical video clip to regain the groups attention. I think this is very effective.

1. What makes this Training Aid effective?
I have seen very interactive trainings done with props. I like to use them myself so I am less apt to read directly from a power point. I have utilized props to help me pace my training as well as use the props to give the audience some hands on opportunities within the training.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I have seen them used effectively by another trainer. She had the room set up into stations and as she discussed various types of children’s learning she moved around the room to use a variety of props.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
Computers/powerpoints- this is an effective training tool because it can help keep you on content, on time, it gives the class something to look at, you can incorporate videos with in the power point with ease, it’s easy to carry and can be quickly accessed, its bright and colorful and can get you to the point of the class.
2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
The training classes I have gone to have used power point presentations to guide the class. The teacher didnt read off of all the screens but she did refer to it to give more information based on what was on the screen, they also incorporated videos that supported the topic if the slide and worksheets throughout the class that went along with the presentation.

1. What makes this training aid effective? I feel props are effective to use because it is something tangible to see/touch and this helps a variety of learners who learn this way.

2. How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer? I attended a training where props were used. We had candy on the table, and fidgets on the table since some use fidgets to help them concentrate.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
I plan to use props in future trainings. Props provide a great visual and hands on experience for learners. As a teacher I like to get my hands-on materials that I can use in my classroom. Props also open the door to great demonstration for activity ideas, which lead to wonderful extensions on topics.
2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I would use props to extend learning. If the topic is age appropriate materials I would bring a variety of props for students to sort into categories. Really the possibilities are endless with props.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective? I really like props and video. Both provide a relief from information overload in trainings. They provide opportunities to learn by increasing interest

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer? I was recently at a training where these aids were used very effectively. Trainer presented information using lecture, used video clips to further illustrate the topic, and then where appropriate we were provided props at our table to manipulate and have a different learning experience.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective? I plan to use a computer/power-points because these training aids are highly effective. I believe with PowerPoints the slides/ images tell a story to the audience. When incorporating videos and powerful images in your slides this will evoke emotions in your learners.
2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer? I would use a PowerPoint presentation to tell a story of the visible learning that is taking place in quality child care centers. To tell that story, I would use powerful images, videos, and passion to deliver the content of children’s learning in those quality child care centers. By keeping slides simple and interactive, I hope to spark the learners interest to want to go back to their classrooms to make new changes.

My favorite trainings have always been “make and take” style with LOTS of props for learners to look at, engage with, and then work to create and take with them!

Ooops. Hit enter before I answered the questions! Sorry.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective? I think make-and-take props are engaging because they allow learners to engage with more senses. When they can see, touch and feel, pass around, and create things, they are more likely to remember the learning and walk away with a tool that they can use right away. That gives a feeling of success rather than a sense of doom about what extra work you have to do to put the training into practice.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer? I currently teach Positive Discipline workshops to parents and we learn about physical tools like Wheel of Choice and Picture Routines. The training is very scripted, but I think it would be helpful to families to be able to have materials available to make the tools during class rather than having to find time to do it at home.

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
There are so many great ideas with the training aids. I feel that it depends on the group that you are going to on what aid to use. I love to get people involved as much as possible because just sitting in a training room being bored. If I had to pick a training aid I would say props, video and power point. I use power points to help me stay on track.

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I have seen many of these aids being used. I find that it helps me in looking at the good and the bad. It all depends on how a person learns. I am more of a hands on learner and some people are more about the facts and statistics so i hope to find a good balance between the two.

Anna Burton (Group Leader) November 4, 2019 at 11:15 am

I like all sorts of training aids, some of my favorites being… Handouts that the participants can take to refer back to and take notes on during the training. Flip charts done by the participants and the trainer, once again because they can be used to refer back to, and they make the training more hands on. I also really enjoy using props because anything hands on always seems to stick and helps you and the participants to remember the specific content.

We use flip charts to brainstorm, draw, create, and relate. Props can be used in a variety of ways depending on the training, one of my favorites being acting out a positive classroom management situation. Also handouts can be used for the participants to take notes on and refer back to after the training.

I think most training aids are helpful. I chose handouts as my preferred training aid. I think handouts are an effective training aid because they are tangible and can be used as a resource for participants later. I have seen and like handouts that are interactive. The participant would need to make notes or something on the handout to help them retain the information learned. I do not prefer handouts that are overloaded with information.

Michele (Group Leader) November 4, 2019 at 2:15 pm

I have used props in the classroom with students and in staff meetings with staff. I personally enjoy props. I believe that using props as a traininig aid is effective, because it captures participants attention and creates a memory therefore increasing retention.

When I was in the classroom, before conducting a science experiment with the class, I would put on a lab coat and safety glasses before entering the classroom. When I entered the classroom, the children knew that we were going to have a science experiment. If I were to do this in a training, I believe that I would capture the participants attention and curiousity just as much. The training could be about incorporating science in the classroom.

Recently I was in a session entitled, “Innovative Learning Initiatives”, which was considered to be immersive training. It lasted for 1 full week. During this time, facilitators had transformed our meeting locatio into a space station. They were dressed like space commanders and used terms like “starship” for our tables and referred to us as beacons within our businesses. The use of training aides were everywhere! We played games within smaller teams to reinforce what was being delivered in the groups session. We were also assigned to a triad where each morning, we would decide where we wanted to meet and discuss the prior day’s learnings in the smaller group. At the beginning of class, we were all given empty ribbons to wear. All throughout the week, we were encouged to give star pins to individuals we witnessed exemplifying qualities of innovation.

I liked the role play and game components, as they were training aides. I plan to use these fun ways to make my learnings more engaging and not so easy to forget.

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