Overview of Types

Within this second part of Training Aids, you will be exposed to many kinds of training aids for you to consider implementing in your training sessions.

You will need your handout accessible in order to successfully complete this section; pages 31-37.

Training Aid Types, Benefits and Tips for Trainers

The following activity provides you with an opportunity to carefully look at the pages on Training Aids in your FET ?handout and to reflect on one that is of interest to you. As trainers, we use many if not all of these and they can all be useful and effective if matched with the correct content.

  • Read pages 31 – 37 to learn about the types, benefits and trainer tips for the various training aids described.
  • From the examples provided, choose one training aid and write a statement as to why you like it and how you use it.

Think of one Training Aid that you plan to use, and in the comment box below, respond to the following:

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?

2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?

This is an ungraded assignment but must be completed to proceed.

Once you complete the assignment, you will have completed FET: 7 Training Aids. Please move on to FET 8: 3 Components of a Training Plan – found under “My Courses”.


I like using digital aids to engage the audience in the training. Using visual /digital aids for polling is a great way to engage the audience.

I like using video clips to help explain ideas. I’m the type of person that has to see an example actually take place in order to fully understand certain teaching practices. As a coach, we use video clips to talk about certain teaching practices that take place in the classroom. We expand on what we see. During trainings where the trainer is explaining certain teaching practices, the trainer will follow up with a video clip, coaching the practice. It always helps me. People like to see how other people implement practices into their classroom.

Karen (Group Leader) March 22, 2019 at 11:37 am

Good ideas and with a video participants can refer back to the video. Good way to share.

I like PowerPoint presentation but would like to also include using physical objects. The Powerpoint presentation helps in organizing the content for the learner and can have embedded video clips or pictures that highlight a point. The hands on use of physical objects where it fits can capture attention and put learning right into the hands of the participants. When practicing how to present a new work to children this physical, hands-on component is very important. It’s one thing to hear how to do something, but yet another to actually practice doing it.

I like the dry erase boards (small hand held). They are good to work individually and also increase participation. They are reusable as well. I have been groups before and the majority rules or one person does all the work. I like the idea to use as an “on the spot” evaluation tool to check on retention.

I would use a video clip. This not only engages the audience but it also allows your visual learners to have another form of learning besides the “lecture”, it is another source backing up the subject in which you are training.

With the video clip, I have seen this in both a training I have attended and a workshop I have conducted. It was extremely useful and we were also able to refer to it at a later date for a reminder of what was trained.

deborah.whitehurst March 19, 2019 at 11:41 am

1) What makes this Training Aid effective?
I have used Power Point presentations multiple times. I think it helps to have the main points on the screen so participants can follow along, as long as speakers don’t have cluttered slides or read word for word. Since I speak/train on health-related issues, I also like to use “case studies” to help participants understand the content. Since I also teach CPR, I also use videos and demonstration.
2) How would you use that Training Aid in a training that you conduct OR how you have seen it used by another trainer?
I use PowerPoints, videos, and demonstration to teach CPR and First Aid then the participants also demonstrate the skills in order to be certified.

What makes this training aid effective? Flip Chart can be used to share information or record information. I like them because they are light weight, economical and must places have them or easy to get. I like having the ability to record the participants information myself or they can write them. Some what of an easy way to get participants involved, easy to post and see opposed to regular size paper. you can get a lot of information on them.

How would you use it? To share information and to record information has it’s given. It can be used during group work.

I like using video clips. I would them either as a demonstration of a new skill or concept or to give participants a break from listening to my voice. I think video clips gives participants the opportunity to engage in conversations with their table partners, share information and details learned with the group from the clips, and I’ve found that before showing the video clip it’s a good time for a break. After I provide the group with some guiding questions, they are anxious to get back to work and usually come back from break on time.

I like old fashioned handouts and makes this Training Aid effective to me is they are great to refer back to, to take notes on and follow along with. I would use this Training Aid in a training and also have used them at a training myself and can reflect when I get back and I can also use them to guide me back into what I have learned and to use what I have learned. I often reference back to the notes to use them in my work.

I love to use classroom video clips. I think it gives the participants real world examples and they get to see teachers and students in action. Video clips help to building questioning around the topic and gives participants background knowledge and examples to help them apply in their own classroom situation. Video clips help participants see the implementation and engagement side of learning.

I like props. I find this training aid is effective because it gives people something to touch see that is 3D and can hold their attention more than a PowerPoint in my opinion. I have see props used to show different types of art materials or toys that are appropriate for certain age groups. It was nice to see them in person and how to use them to expand learning in my classroom.

Virginia Erxleben March 26, 2019 at 9:58 pm

I like to use props/demonstrations and paper handouts. I find that this type of training aid is more effective when I train. I think by being engaged and participating in the activity itself helps the participant learn and retain information.

Karen (Group Leader) March 22, 2019 at 11:36 am

interactive power point. Not just to read be interactive with things to do.

Handouts are effective Training Aides because participants have a hard copy of the training, as a reference.
I use handouts, coupled with a power point, to emphasis important points of the training, for note taking, and as a guide through the training.

Whatever is chosen needs to match the content well. I like using post it charts on walls for brainstorming and sharing. This enables individuals to get ideas out and expands the thought process for others as they read them. These can be used for a “parking lot” of thoughts to address later or during a group discussion to chart ideas and connections.

Handouts are very popular and I think this training aid is effective because it gives you something to back read, refer to, get ideas from and have as a hard copy. As a trainer I would implement many other training aids but I think handouts will be something to always use. Your participants will have something to take with them and hopefully refer back to if needed.

I like the use of props as a training aid. They are effective because they stir interest and hold attention of the participant. Props help break the bore of sitting reading a paper and offers a tangible item that can be manipulated. I believe the hands on experience helps cement knowledge into the adult learner and creates an experience that will remain vivid in the memory. The ability to physically handle something engages the brain allows the participate to fully emerge in the learning experience.

Asia (Group Leader) March 25, 2019 at 10:51 am

I like using PowerPoint. It allows the participant to know what to expect next. It also allows me to stay organized and on topic.
I would use it in conjunction with video clips and handouts to help maximize comprehension.

I like using the powerpoint because you can print out handouts or notesheets, include a video, and it is kind of like an outline for your training.

I like the use of props. They can “shake things up a bit” and make for lively discussions, role playing activities, or just fun things to infuse throughout to break up the session and make it livelier!!!

When I attend trainings, I appreciate receiving a copy of the PowerPoint so I can take notes. I also appreciate the use of digital aids such as polls to engage participants.

Virginia Erxleben March 26, 2019 at 9:59 pm

I like to use props/demonstrations and paper handouts. I find that this type of training aid is more effective when I train. I think by being engaged and participating in the activity itself helps the participant learn and retain information.

Flip Charts are an effective training aid because they serve as a tool to take group notes. They encourage participation and make participants feel like their voices are heard.
I have seen trainers ask the group a question or ask the group to brainstorm topics/answers to a question. The answers or responses are written on the Flip Chart paper.

Stefani (Group Leader) March 28, 2019 at 1:19 pm

In our tech-driven culture powerpoint presentations and any other electronic aids are used more often than not. I appreciate the ease of accessing and modifying the content when necessary via a powerpoint but prefer to incorporate demonstrations and flip charts as well. This gives the eye a break from the screen and can allow a different flow of discussion.

Sincere (Group Leader) March 28, 2019 at 4:36 pm

I prefer to use visual aids like power points and video clips. Flip charts are also good to use for group activities during the training.

I love the small dry erase boards for each participant to use during brainstorming time. I also love large dry erase for small group. I’ve seen post its scattered on tables as a way to write down thoughts, questions, etc. or for use during an ice breaker.
I think having a balance of video clips to go along with handouts are helpful so people can stay engaged by watching and taking notes. It seems people tend to zone out during power points, especially if all the note taking is done for them.

I prefer power points and handouts. I think power points are effective in that the visual is there on the screen for all to see, easy to follow, it allows availability to stop for discussion, and handouts that enhance what learners gain knowledge of in the power point presentation that they can take with are reinforcing what they learned.

Michelle Boone (Group Leader) March 30, 2019 at 9:49 am

I tend to use props in my trainings, which to this point have covered implementing math or science activities into preschool classrooms. The props serve as strong visuals for introducing equipment that can be used and as springboard for discussion on multiple uses in the teacher’s lessons. They also allow for a natural segway to allowing the teachers to get to “play” with the equipment and become more familiar with it.

I like video clips and props. I find that I stay engaged better and have noticed that real life examples and hands on activities provide for concrete learning activities, real life experiences and aids in retention through a multi sensory approach.

Short video clips have always been my favorite training aid as a participant. It is a great way to demonstrate an example (and add humor) for visual learners.

I enjoy video clips for examples of how an activity or strategy would work in the classroom. I personally enjoy doing make and takes so that I leave with an activity or strategy to use in my classroom.

Power points are an effective training aid because it can give a visual of the information being presented. The participants can visually and audibly take in the presentation. Especially, if you add pictures and videos to the power point. I have used power point presentations in the past for Getting Started in Child Care Presentations. I think the participants like the fact that they get a copy of the presentation to take notes as we move along in the presentation. When they leave, they are able to refer back to the power point print out for information.

I like using a power point presentation embedded with pictures to give a visual example of content. I have also found it important to print a copy of the power point to give the participants for them to follow along and take notes where they feel necessary.

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