Training Outcomes
Participants will define effective training and transfer of learning.
Participants will identify the people that are key to successful transfer of learning and why transfer of learning is a team effort.
Participants will select appropriate follow-up strategies that increase the probability that learning and skills will transfer from the training setting to the participant’s workplace.
Participants will describe what an implementation/action plan is and why it’s an important part of the training process.
Participants will complete an Implementation Plan/Action Plan.
[ms_panel title=”Handout” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]Please refer to the FET Handout: Transfer of Learning pages (1-9). This handout has been pre-printed and is in your FET Binder.[/ms_panel]