
This course is the second in a series of courses on assessment.  Take a moment to gather your notes and assignment from Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood: An Introduction and Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood: Planning Learning Experiences.  You will use the application activities from both courses to complete your application activity.

“Observation…the process of observing, recording, and otherwise documenting the work children do and how they do it, as a basis for a variety of educational decisions that affect the child, including planning for groups and individual children and communication with parents…requires teachers to observe and analyze regularly what the children are doing in light of the content goals and the learning processes.” NAEYC (1992)

Cartoon woman holding a cup with a hot beverage in one hand and a feather pen in the other.

In the previous module, we asked you to create a lesson plan that focused on the needs of a child you work with. 
Please take a few moments to reflect on how that lesson plan worked for you and the students identified in the lesson plan.
Add your responses to your handout.

  1. What went well with the lesson plan?
  2. What would you change to meet the needs of your students better?
  3. How was this experience different because you used your data from assessments?


Bredekamp, S. & Rosegrant, T. (Eds.). (1992) Reaching Potentials: Appropriate Curriculum and Assessment for Young Children, Volume 1. NAEYC.