ECE 115: Engaging Families Using the Kentucky Strengthening Families Protective Factors: Focus on Healthy Behaviors (2 hours)

Working with families requires building strong relations with parents and families.  While relationships are built over time, there are many things ECE professionals can do through simple steps to help build these relationships. Things such as greeting parents using their name and sharing stories about the child’s day can nurture these relationships.  Part A of the module will explore a variety of strategies that ECE professionals can use to support families.

Target Audience: Early care and education providers

Clock Hours: 2


  • Identify 2 actions to enhance the family-friendly environment in their classroom or program
  • Review everyday actions that support families in building protective factors
  • Practice incorporating the Kentucky Strengthening Families Protective Factors into typical family events

ECE 112: Getting Kids Moving – Physical Activity in Early Care and Education (2 hours)


Participants will understand best practices for physical activity for children birth through school age.  During the module strategies to support physical activity will be explained and resources reviewed that support families in promoting physical activity at home.  Participants will use portions of the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards to identify classroom activities to support Gross Motor Development and Physical Activity. Participants will use the knowledge of physical activity best practices to create a daily schedule of movement for their classroom.


  • Describe best practices for physical activity for school-age children, preschool, toddlers, and infants​
  • Identify one resource for engaging with families around Physical Activity​
  • Add physical activity to a daily schedule template so children can achieve the recommended minutes of physical activity

Target audience: early care and education providers

Credit Hours: 2

Trainer: Rebekah Duchette, Kentucky Department of Public Health

ECE 113: Staff Wellness in Early Care and Education (2 hours)

In this course, you will encounter the following types of activities

  • ? Think Spot: An ungraded opportunity to reflect on the topic discussed and likely is tied to the course handout. It is recommended that you download or print the handout to have on hand while you complete this course.
  • Embedded Videos: Throughout the course there are videos from various YouTube channels. Many of these videos must be viewed in its entirety before moving on to the next topic. If you encounter a problem with a video please email and include the name of the video or topic you are having trouble with.

Trainer Information

Rebekah Duchette
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention Program

ECE 110: 5-2-1-0 Toolkit – Resources to Support Healthy Behaviors for Families (1 hour)


Providers will be introduced to the 5 evidence based behaviors comprising the 5-2-1-0 message and complete the Let’s Move Child Care checklist. Content will focus on how the behaviors can be supported in the Early Care and Education classroom through practice, policy and environment modifications.

In this course, you will encounter the following types of activities

  • ? Think Spot: An ungraded opportunity to reflect on the topic discussed and likely is tied to the course handout. It is recommended that you download or print the handout to have on hand while you complete this course.
  • ? Check Your Knowledge: A graded quiz to check your understanding of the topic(s) covered. Check Your Knowledge quizzes are complete when 80% of the questions are answered correctly. You may take the Check Your Knowledge quizzes multiple times until 80% is achieved.
  • Embedded Videos: Throughout the course there are videos from various YouTube channels. Many of these videos must be viewed in its entirety before moving on to the next topic. If you encounter a problem with a video please email and include the name of the video or topic you are having trouble with.


  • Describe the 5-2-1-0 healthy behaviors​
  • Review the toolkit resources for family engagement and classroom use​
  • Design an action plan using at least one resource

Trainer Information

Rebekah Duchette
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention Program

ECE 109: Kentucky All STARS: Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS)

Course Description:

Kentucky All STARS: Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) is a course designed for all those caring for young children.  It looks at the foundation of the ERS, how the different ERS scales are set up into Subscales, Items, and Indicators.  It introduces you to the other resources available to you as you observe and score the ERS.  Scenarios are included which allow you to practice scoring on some of the items that are part of the ERS.

We strongly recommend you have access to the Environmental Rating Scales books before starting this course.


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand how the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) are set up into Subscales, Items, and Indicators.
  2. Identify resources to help you better understand and score the ERS.
  3. Demonstrate how to score the ERS so that you may complete an ERS Self-Assessment to assist with your All STARS rating.

Target Audience: Childcare providers, especially those who are working toward an All STARS rating.

Credit Hours: 2 Hours

ECE 201: External Transition – Suspension & Expulsion: Impacts on Children and Families (3 hours)

Course Overview

  • Course will take approximately 3 (three) hours to complete
  • Upon successful completion participants will be awarded 3 early care and education clock hours
  • Audience: Early Care and Education Professionals

Course Description

External transition is described as the temporary or permanent relocation of a child from one child care setting to another. External transitions may be voluntary, such as when a parent chooses to move a child to a different program because of a change of residence. These transitions may be involuntary when a child is removed from a child care setting as a result of suspension, expulsion, or the child being removed from a program because of intervention from an agency. This third part of the three part course will explore the potential impact external transition may have on the family and on child care centers. This module uses examples and ideas to explain how to work with children showing challenging behavior.

Course Facilitator

Sally Dannenberg

Research and Development Associate

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of each page.

Important Information!

This course requires satisfactory completion of an application activity prior to course being fully complete. All application activities can take up to 3 business days to review. The completion date for the course is the date that the application activity AND all course lessons are completed. Once you have completed the course fully, you will have the ability to print or save a certificate with the completion date and credit will be entered into ECE-TRIS within 10 calendar days.

If you are approaching your credential expiration, it is recommended to have all coursework completed and submitted with your renewal application 30 days prior to your expiration. This allows ample time for course feedback and resubmissions of assignments is necessary. Please reach out to the course facilitator if you have any questions.

ECE 123: Help! How do I Support the Emotional Health of Young Children? (2.5 hours)

This 2.5 hour course will introduce how emotional health is defined, why it is important, key relationships that influence young children’s emotional development, and the components of emotional health, including temperament styles.

  • Content developed by: Caroline Gooden, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky
  • Sponsored by: Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care
  • Hours: 2.5, approved for child care licensing renewal
  • Target Audience: all early care and education staff

ECE 120: Help! How do I Create Exciting, Accessible Spaces for ALL Children? (1 hour)

ECE 120: Help! How do I Create Exciting, Accessible Spaces for ALL Children? (1 hour)

This 1-hour course is an introduction to creating accessible spaces for children with special needs in early care settings. The course includes interactive, low budget ideas for successfully integrating children with special needs in all areas and activities. This course explores various ways to improve room arrangement for inclusive activities.

Content developed by: Kim Gipson and Caroline Gooden, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky.

Sponsored by: Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care and the Franklin Porter Graham Institute, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.

ECE 122: Help! How do I Provide the Best Environment to Children with Down Syndrome? (3 hours)

This course will introduce you to the general characteristics of children with Down syndrome, outline what inclusion means, and then describe how you can include children with Down syndrome in your early care and education setting.

This online course includes ideas for creating an inclusive classroom, modifying the curriculum and making accommodations, developing different strategies for reading, writing, and math, encouraging independence, and incorporating technology.