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Course Category: Early Care, Education, and Intervention
ECE 132: Sign Language for Preschoolers (1.5 hours)
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ECE 131: Sign Language for Toddlers (1.5 hours)
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ECE 133: Seeing Brighter Futures – Engaging families to prepare children with disabilities for the future (1 hour)
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ECE 130: Sign Language for Infants (1.5 hours)
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ECE 010 Early Care Orientation Online–ECOOL (v. 2021)
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ECE 107: External Transitions – Resources and Supports in Child Care Settings (2 hours)
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ECE 106: Effective Strategies for Addressing Misbehavior (FIT) (1 hour)
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ECE 105: Structuring the Environment to Prevent Misbehavior (FIT) (1 hour)
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ECE 104: Strengthening the Adult-Child Relationship (FIT) (1 hour)
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