ECE 225D: Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families -Concrete Supports in Times of Need (1 hr)

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.

This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Concrete Supports in Times of Need within your classroom or childcare center.

Our vision for families:

  • Families have the resources to meet their basic needs.
  • Families feel safe in their community.
  • Families know how to have information and connections to services in their community.
  • Families feel supported and valued when reaching out for help.

Families with strong concrete supports know how to access resources that address a family’s basic needs, which helps to minimize stress caused by challenges.

This course will involve personal reflection, gathering feedback, intentional family interactions and will provide resources.

Emily Keely

Lead Facilitator

Kristen Martin

State Supervisor

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page.

Course Objectives

1. Help families develop concrete supports for times of need

2. Connect the Concrete Supports in Times of Need Protective Factor to the six Guiding Premises.

ECE 225C: Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families -Knowledge of Child Development (1 hr)

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.

This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Knowledge of Child Development within your classroom or childcare center.

Our vision for families is to:

  • Identify realistic expectations for their child’s development.
  • Possess a commitment to lifelong learning.
  • Practice positive discipline techniques to effectively manage their child’s behavior.
  • Recognize and respond appropriately to their child’s specific developmental needs.

Families with knowledge of child development understand child development and parenting strategies that advance physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development.

This course will involve personal reflection, gathering feedback, intentional family interactions and will provide resources.

Emily Keely

Lead Facilitator

Kristen Martin

State Supervisor

If you encounter technical issues with the site, please use the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page.

Course Objectives

1. Help families increase their knowledge of Child Development

2. Connect the Knowledge of Child Development Protective Factor to the six Guiding Premises.

ECE 225B: Supporting Kentucky Strengthening Families -Social Connections (1 hr)

Black and white tree with th 6 Protective Facotros written on leaves.  Leaf for Social Connections is colored purple.

Social Connections

Families have friends they can count on.
Youth have real connections with others.

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.

This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Social Connections within any setting that serves young children and their families.

When people experience positive social connections, they:

  • Maintain multiple friendships and supportive relationships with others.
  • Primary caregivers feel respected and appreciated in their roles. 
  • Accept help and give help to others.
  • Establish connections and a sense of belonging with other families.

Families who have positive social connections seek timely assistance from people they have learned to “count on” and are empowered to give back through satisfying, mutually beneficial relationships.  Supportive social connections help buffer families from stressors and support nurturing parenting skills that promote secure attachments in young children. 

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

All Staff

Learning Environment

Infant Toddler
School Age

Icon of two people standing beside a chart with a bar graph.

Training Level


Core Content Subject Area

Family and Community Partnerships

Core Content Competency

Demonstrate awareness of individual families relative to differences in family strengths, structure, lifestyle, expectations, values, religions, customs, traditions, childrearing practices and language.

ECE 133 Bright Futures: Engaging and Encouraging Families of Children with Disabilities (2 hours)

Welcome to ECE 133 Bright Futures: Engaging and Encouraging Families of Children with Disabilities

🖱️ Click each box to view and/or download

Course Goal and Objectives:

Course Goal: The goal of this course is to promote the vision that every child can grow up to work and share their talents and skills with the world if given the proper support, including children with disabilities and this begins in the early years.

Learning Outcome: Learners will be able to summarize and retrieve information and develop a list of resources and activities for families of children with disabilities that promotes the vision that future work is possible.

Workplace Outcome: Participants will return to the workplace and be able to: (a) identify and share appropriate resources and information with families of children with disabilities for advocacy, benefits, referrals, and rights and (b) develop and use activities to discover children’s uniqueness. interests, and skills in the community, classroom, home, and program that assist in creating an environment that promotes the work expectation of work and where families are partners.

Course Overview

This course is for early care and education professionals working with children and families up to 5 years of age and will take approximately 2 (two) hours to complete. The aim is to promote the vision that every child is constantly learning and can explore their interests at their own pace if given the proper support, including children with disabilities. Ultimately, this exploration of interests can evolve into hobbies or activities that eventually become potential career paths. Encouraging children to explore careers is essential because people with disabilities have historically faced low employment rates. Therefore, helping children identify those interests early on can help them develop the expectation, motivation, and skills to work as valued community members in the future.

This course will also assist you in deepening your understanding of your role in creating a respectful, supportive, and collaborative partnership with families in your program. We will emphasize that creating an integrated approach to family engagement is crucial to the child’s success. Throughout the course, you will discover various ways to develop and encourage a program and family partnership.

These components will assist you in gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of ways to support family engagement for families of children with disabilities in your program.

These components will assist you in gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of ways to support family engagement for families of children with disabilities in your program. 
Learning Journal 
Think Spots 
Quiz Question

The course contains multiple lessons; each lesson will include mini topics, each lesson/topic must be complete before moving forward. Please click “mark complete” at the bottom of the page to access the next lesson/topic. Lessons may include a quiz or reflection activity (Think Spot), click “start quiz” to access quiz content. Once you have completed the quiz click “finish quiz”. Once submitted you will see “click here to continue”. If this doesn’t appear, please click restart quiz and try again.

Once all five lessons and sub-topics are complete, you will need to finish the Course Wrap-Up to receive your certificate. Credit will be issued in ECE-TRIS with a valid account within ten days of course completion. For a downloadable copy of these instructions, please return to the top of the page and click navigation.

If you haven’t already downloaded the learning journal, please do so now. The guided learning journal provides an opportunity for you to reflect further on what you have learned and how you can implement it into your classroom or program. This journal can be printed or completed as a fillable pdf. You can locate it at the beginning of this section. Please complete it as you move through the course.

Upon completion of the course, you will be provided with a downloadable list of resources provided throughout the course.

💻 If you experience technical difficulties at any time, please use the “Contact Us” button found at the bottom of each page.

ECE 140: Kentucky Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns (1 hr)

ECE140 and ECE140es are the same course. Credit is only given for one version of the course every five years.

ECE140 y ECE140es son el mismo curso. El crédito será otorgado al completar uno de estos cursos cada cinco años.

If you are unable to progress through the course content, make sure to LOGIN, and check out for the English version of the course or checkout for the Spanish version of the course if you haven’t already. Access to this course is FREE.

As an early care and education provider, you play a critical role in the health and wellbeing of children. You are also very well positioned to help identify children who might need extra help in their development. This online training course, Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns, helps you fulfill this role by providing tools and best practices for monitoring the development of children in your care and talking about it with their parents.

This course focuses on:

  • Why monitoring children’s development is important
  • Why you have a unique and important role in developmental monitoring
  • How to easily monitor each child’s developmental milestones
  • How to talk with parents about their child’s development

Learning objectives for the training include:

  • List three developmental concerns that early care and education providers should monitor.
  • Identify at least three developmental milestones for class’s age group.
  • Describe how to use “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources in early care and education work with children and parents.
  • Describe two communication strategies to use when talking with families about their child’s development.

    Use the links under Course Content below to view each Lesson in this course.

Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program.

This program was developed in partnership with the Administration on Children and Families, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Healthy Child Care America program, Head Start National Center on Health, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Child Care Aware, and the Yale Child Study Center.

The Kentucky version of this training adds a section on Kentucky resources, and upon course completion, you will be issued 1 early care and education clock hour in ECE-TRIS.

ECE 225A: Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families – Parental Resilience (2 hrs)

Implementing Kentucky Strengthening Families – Parental Resilience

This course is a follow-up to ECE 125 An Introduction to the Kentucky Strengthening Families Initiative. You must complete that course before beginning this one.
This course will allow you to focus on implementing the Protective Factor of Parental Resilience within your classroom or childcare center.

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

All Staff

Learning Environment

Infant Toddler
School Age

Icon of two people standing beside a chart with a bar graph.

Training Level


Core Content Subject Area

Family and community partnerships

Core Content Competency

  • Provide relevant information to families regarding community resources.
  • Respond empathetically and knowledgeably to families’ feelings and concerns regarding child care, guidance, and their children’s development, using the home language whenever possible.

ECE 151*: Importance of KY’s Early Childhood Standards and Early Intervention Assessment Data (1.5 hours) *Kentucky Early Intervention Services Providers Only*

Man sitting in room in a house holding a small child in his lap.  He is smiling at someone across from him.

Welcome to the Importance of KY’s Early Childhood Standards and Kentucky Early Intervention Services (KEIS) Assessment Data course. This course is for Kentucky Early Intervention Services (KEIS) providers only.

Course Length: This course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

Course Requirements:

To complete this course, participants are required to pass a 10-question multiple-choice quiz and a final short essay question. Please note that grading of the essay question can take up to 3 business days.  A grading rubric is provided along with the final essay question to help guide you in responding. 

You will receive an email notification from our Learning Management System upon receiving a passing grade on the essay.  If your essay does not receive a passing grade, you will receive an email from the Course Facilitator with suggestions on revising the essay and resubmitting for regrading.  If it has been more than 3 business days since you completed all components of the course (including the essay) and you have not received an email, please contact for assistance.

**Please note that all links open in a new tab.**

Click the first lesson below to get started!

ECE 147*: The Administration of the Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN) (4 hours) *KEIS Only*

Target Audience

Teachers and providers working in early care, education and intervention.

About this Course

In this course, you will encounter the following types of activities

  • ? Think Spot: An ungraded opportunity to reflect on the topic discussed and likely is tied to the course handout. It is recommended that you download or print the handout to have on hand while you complete this course.
  • ? Check Your Knowledge: A graded quiz to check your understanding of the topic(s) covered. Check Your Knowledge quizzes are complete when 80% of the questions are answered correctly. You may take the Check Your Knowledge quizzes multiple times until 80% is achieved.
  • ? Embedded Videos: Throughout the course, there are videos from various YouTube channels. Many of these videos must be viewed in its entirety before moving on to the next topic. If you encounter a problem with a video please contact us using the button below and include the name of the video or topic you are having trouble with.

? Training Outcomes

During completion of this course, you will practice:

  • Accurately assessing a child’s present developmental status using the CCITSN (Carolina Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers with Special Needs)
  • Accurately scoring the CCITSN and reporting scores for curriculum sequences on the Developmental Progress Chart

? Workplace Outcomes

After completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Collect relevant developmental information about a child to communicate with the family and others on the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) team.
  • Use collected information to plan for child progress.
  • Plan periodic assessments and monitor ongoing progress.

This online course introduces providers to the administration and scoring of the CCITSN, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KEIS providers and published by Brookes Publishing. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from Brookes at

ECE 146*: The Administration of the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) Birth – 3 (5 hours) *KEIS Only*

An introduction to the administration and scoring of the HELP®, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KY Early Intervention System providers and published by Shine Early Learning. The course is estimated to take 5 hours to complete and provides an overview of the features of the HELP®. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from Shine Early Learning at

This online course introduces providers to the administration and scoring of the HELP®, a curriculum-based assessment approved for use for KEIS providers and published by Shine Early Learning. The course is estimated to take 5 hours to complete, and provides an overview to the features of the HELP®. Course materials must be purchased prior to enrollment from Shine Early Learning at

Course Details

Icon with 3 people sitting behind a table.

Target Audience

Early Intervention

Black and white illustration of a clock showing exactly 3 o'clock.

Clock Hours


Content Developed By:

Caroline Gooden and Carol Schroeder, Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky in consultation with Stephanie Parks, Inside HELP® author.

Sponsored By:

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Public Health

Important Information

This course was developed based on the bound version of the manual published by the VORT Corporation. The course can be completed with the unbound version as well as the version published by Shine Early Learning, although the page numbers may not match up, you may need to make sure to locate the correct domains and items in those versions.

ECE 137: Regulation Health and Safety Training (1 hour)

Welcome to ECE 030! This training was designed to assist you in understanding and implementing the new health and safety training regulations. You will receive 1 Clock hour upon the completion of this course.

Choose the first topic below to verify your information and begin learning.