School Ready Libraries
The following courses were developed to promote the understanding of child development for Children's Librarians. Early care and education hours are NOT provided. To register for a course as individual, click on the on the “For Myself” link, or to register for a group, click the “For Groups” link.
Course List
Enhancing Public Library Storytimes to Promote School Readiness: Adult-Child Interactions that Support Child Learning addresses the importance of adult-child interactions and the value of planning library storytimes with adult-child interactions in mind. Using a learning sciences framework, the module presents strategies that can be readily integrated into storytime to enhance child outcomes. The module was developed with funds from a three year research project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (Grant Number: LG-96-17-0199-17).
Target audience: Those from urban, suburban, and rural public libraries, schools, and/or other environments who plan and lead storytimes with groups of young children and/or who work with families with young children.
Enhancing Public Library Storytimes to Promote School Readiness: Considerations for Selecting Books
This two-hour course is designed to provide information that will help storytime providers select books aligned with the five domains of early learning as well as books that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. The module presents strategies that can be readily applied when planning public library storytime programs for young children.
This course is the second in a series of two learning modules focused on public library storytime programs. You need not complete the first course, LIB 104: Adult-Child Interactions in Storytime, to participate in this course, but if you have not already done so, we invite you to participate in that 90-minute course as well.
These modules will give you an introduction to child development and ask you to consider how you can incorporate this information in to your work with young children and their families.
These modules will give you an introduction to physical Well-Being and social emotional development and ask you to consider how you can incorporate this information in to your work with young children and their families.