Core Content: Training Outcome and Roadmap F19

In the Outlining Training Content section, first you learned about and practiced designing a needs assessment survey and now you will be exploring Core Content. Core Content includes the 5 Levels of Training, 7 Subject Areas and competencies for Early Childhood providers.

Below is the Roadmap and Training Outcome that will show the path you will be taking to learn more about Core Content.

Training Outcome

Participants will recognize and utilize the Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content Document including locating specific competencies, the levels and subject areas.


  • Recognize and utilize the Kentucky Early Childhood Core Content Document
  • Locate specific competencies in the Early Childhood Core Content
  • Understand the 5 Levels of Core Content
  • Understand the 7 Core Content Subject Areas
Roadmap Graphic

[ms_panel title=”Core Content” title_color=”#1a72bf” border_color=”#1a72bf ” title_background_color=”#f5f5f5″ border_radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]?Please refer to the FET Handout: Training Design pages 9-12.?[/ms_panel]