Perform job duties in a competent, honest, and diligent manner.
Treat the individual, their family, friends, and support person with courtesy and respect.
Utilize a person-centered approach to decisions and service delivery.
Coordinate and monitor services needed by the individual to ensure that they are receiving the appropriate care and treatment.
Document with accuracy, clarity, objectivity, and with sound evidence.
Avoid judgment, expression of personal feelings, and frustrations.
Guardianship Code of Ethics:
Keep the affairs of an individual confidential, respect their privacy and dignity, and release only as appropriate, that which is necessary & relevant.
Act in the best interest of the individual, promoting the welfare of those with whom there is a professional responsibility.
Act with integrity in relationships with co-workers and others, be cooperative, and maintain professionalism.
Not participate in improper or illegal activity
Avoid any conflict of interest or impropriety.
Maintain a professional relationship with service providers, and other organizations and entities to ensure objectivity and effective decision-making ability.
Avoid personal relationships with the individual, their family, friends, and providers.
Not accept gifts from the individual, their family, providers, organizations, or entity involved in the individual’s care/service provision. (Including but not limited to: personal favors, meals, gifts, incentives, economic benefit, or political consideration,)
Not engage in or act in a discriminatory manner.
Maintain awareness of personal biases to ensure they don’t interfere or have a negative impact on working relationships with individuals and services rendered.