Course Wrap Up


You have completed Guardianship Program Overview! Please note, that your supervisor may have some follow-up questions or need more information. Please respond to any requests in a timely manner. 

Once you click “mark complete” a certificate of completion will be available to you. You may print or download your certificate to verify completion of Guardianship Program Overview. This certificate will also be available at the beginning of the course anytime you log on. 

Reminder from Aida

Illustration of Aida the trainer.

This course is part of a series of trainings required for all new employee. All new hires are required to satisfactorily complete trainings before being assigned cases.

All courses must be completed in order and in a timely manner.

This includes:

  • New Employee Orientation Part 1 (completed!)
  • New Employee Orientation Part 2 (completed!)
  • Guardianship Program Overview (completed!)
  • Effective Case Work Documentation

Note: The above courses are required for Guardianship, Fiduciary, and Benefits staff. Additional courses will be assigned upon completion of these required core courses.

Click the “Mark Complete” button below to access your certificate of completion.