What is my role as a guardian?

grovel sitting on top of a clipboard with a front page that reads "Roles and Responsibilities"

Fiduciary and Benefits Branches 

  • There is a three-pronged approach to ensure guardianship roles and responsibilities are met for our individuals under guardianship.
  • The Division of Guardianship Services works with and is supported by the Benefits Management Branch and the Fiduciary Management Branch. These two branches operate under the DCBS Division of Administration and Financial Management.
  • The Benefits and Fiduciary Management Branches are responsible for applying for and maintaining benefits (e.g., Medicaid, SSI, Veterans, etc.), filing taxes, managing/investing funds and paying bills and expenses on behalf of our individuals.
Hiearchy graph showing the Department for Aging and Independent Living at the top, followed below by the Division of Finance and Administration and Division of Guardianship Services. Listed below that level is the Benefits Management Branch, and below that level is the fiduciary management branch.