Commonwealth of Kentucky Employee Handbook

The Commonwealth of Kentucky Employee Handbook is a great resource that all new employees should review upon hire.

It contains pertinent employment-related topics and should be used as a reference for questions regarding dress code, disciplinary process, types of leave, timesheet and wages, etc. There is a search feature to aid in locating information.

Front of the employee handbook with various images including state capitol building, whiskey barrels, a nature scenes.

Employee Handbook

The information contained in this handbook provides an overview of state government and will assist you as you transition into your new role. It explains the laws, regulations, and policies governing your employment, as well as the benefits and services to which you are entitled as a state employee. Your agency may have policies in addition to those contained in this handbook, so you should familiarize yourself with those as well.

(Clicking the link will open a new window)

The handbook can also be found on the intranet under the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM), open the website, and bookmark for future reference.  Online access will be limited until you have access to Kentucky Health Resources Information System (KHRIS). 

Have specific questions?

Reach out to your supervisor.