Individual Civil Rights

Illustration of a lady standing next to a paper that says "Decisions" and a wieght balance in front of the paper.

When appointing a guardian, the court will also determine which civil rights an individual will retain and the rights that will be delegated to the guardian.
These rights may include:

A vote button with red at the top, white in the middle, and blue at the bottom

The right to vote

Black outline of a car

The right to drive a car

Illustration of a stethoscope

The right to make medical decisions

illustration of a brown house with trees behind it.

The right to determine where to live

illustration of a hand holding a house with a key and another hand across from it holding out a bag of money

The right to sell property.

Illustration of a sealed document with a grovel and pen on top

The right to sign legal documents such as checks, marriage licenses, or wills.