When is CHFS appointed the guardian?

District Courts may appoint the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) for Guardianship when:

  • There is no other suitable person or entity available and willing to act; and
  • The individual is a full-time resident of KY for at least the previous 6 months that is not a hospital, treatment facility, correctional facility, or long-term care facility; and
  • The individual is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.

There are situations when CHFS shall not be appointed guardian by the courts:   

  • The individual has been convicted of, plead guilty to, or entered an Alford plea for a sex crime as defined in KRS 17.500 or an offense that would classify the person as a violent offender under KRS 439.3401 (except upon written order of the course in exceptional circumstances); or
  • The individual is not alive or cannot be physically located.

Alford plea is a guilty plea entered by a criminal defendant who does not admit guilt but nevertheless pleads guilty as part of a plea bargain.

Reference: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Alford%20plea

Simon, a guardianship employee.


Before considering assigning an individual a guardian, it is important to explore other alternatives to guardianship that might meet the needs of the individual. Tyrone and Jeannie are two people who have successful alternatives to guardianship. Let’s explore their situations now.

Illustration of Tyrone.
animtation of an older woman with grey hair and green shirt sitting in wheelchair