The 5 Valued Life Experiences

Person-Centered work is not just about getting services in place for a person.  People can have services and still have a very poor quality of life.   Person-Centered work should develop rich opportunities for the person to have five valued life experiences, as developed by John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien. 

A good life is characterized by these five valued life experiences – belonging, being respected, sharing ordinary places, contributing, and choosing.  These are universal expectations of people who live in the US and should apply to people who experience physical or mental impairments.   A person’s disability will impact the level and kind of support needed to achieve these valued life experiences.    

Click the first topic below to start learning more about the Five Valued Life Experiences. 

From: The PATH & MAPS Handbook: Person-Centered Ways to Build Community

Valued Life Experiences written at top.  Below a pentagon with arrows pointing from each of the corners with the words, "belonging", "being respected", "sharing ordinary spaces", "contributing", and "choosing".

Click the first topic below to start learning more about the Five Valued Life Experiences.