This course is designed to increase your knowledge about whole community emergency planning (including COVID-19 planning) as well as provide you the basic information needed to connect with your own local emergency planners, public health professionals, and community.
In the course you will take on the role of “Terrye Trainee,” from Tornado Gap
County, USA. Terrye is a professional from Tornado Gap’s local disability organization, Access & Equity, Inc. Tornado Gap’s county government and local disability and other community organizations want to collaborate to identify and close emergency planning gaps related to people with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions. Terrye has heard about Disasterville’s inclusive emergency planning success and is “visiting” neighboring Disasterville to learn from their work.
After “arriving” in Disasterville you will “hear” from Disasterville’s professionals and community members and “assist” them with whole community (inclusive) emergency planning. You’ll learn about the PREPARED4ALL process for local emergency planning collaboration. Local emergency and public health preparedness planners, the ADA Coordinator, and others from Disasterville will “talk” about what local planners may not know about people with disabilities. They’ll “explain” Prepared4ALL Action teams, how to hold Active Planning meetings, and how the U.S. local emergency planning system works.
As you “meet” Disasterville professionals and community members, you will be asked to make decisions and answer questions to check your learning about inclusive and accessible local emergency planning.
You must “visit” Disasterville 6 times to earn a Prepared4ALL Certificate of Completion.
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After completing today’s “visit” (lesson), you will be able to:
Describe the purpose of Active Planning Workbook
Describe the components of Community Stakeholder Meetings